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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. this should be a good article. maybe with enough exposure some NFL teams will take notice and take a late round flyer on PC???
  2. I assume they had on a pair of shorts and a jersy as well. if not thats a very Brokeback approach to football practice
  3. I dont think anyone could deny that he was a great college QB. the problem with him is attitude and maturity.
  4. I dont see anything wrong with our new stadium. it looks like it will look very nice when it is done. the locker facilities look great. I assume that this is what we could afford to build right now and the stands look very upgradeable. if the choice was wait a few years or build a staium that can be enhanced and added onto later, but is not as nice as Sam Houstons right now I say they did a great job.
  5. still nothing on the mysterious Jonny 5???
  6. I would pay $45 for one.
  7. chuck norris' mustache could beat up ditkas mustache.
  8. I played HS. I still play in an old mans "Rough Touch" league. www.mfl.i8.com We are the gunslingers. mostly former UNT guys.
  9. if chuck norris played football at the age of 15 he would hold every record ever. especialy the roundhouse kicks to the face record
  10. I had some drinks with Dunson the other night. he seemed very excited to get going as the new TE coach. I would have posted earlier but he said that since it was not official yet he would perfer that I kept it quiet. hopefully he can use his Houston and LA ties to our advantage.
  11. this reminds me of a night when I was sitting on the front porch of my fraternity house when the quiet was shattered by a goat being chased by about 20 guys from another un-named fraternity. the only explination I ever recieved was "dude please, you never saw this".
  12. I am naming my son General
  13. maybe after his son graduates he will be available.
  14. how can the pac 10 be #2 with only 1 competitive team? they are only 1 tic ahead of the big east in my opinion.
  15. I have a new #1
  16. please ignore
  17. why would rice ever leave or be removed from CUSA?? a clean program with top notch grades that won an NCAA title in baseball just a few years ago. sounds just like what CUSA doesnt want.......
  18. I would like to see either Houston (good way to start up a regoinal rivalry) or Kansas (winnable big 12 game).
  19. 7. Jamario Thomas used to play baseball. When Babe Ruth was hailed as the better player, Jamario killed him with a baseball bat to the throat. Lou Gehrig got off easy. 8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Jamario Thomas once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.
  20. 6. jamario thomas built a time machine and went back a few centuries. there he met a horse who insulted him. jamario kicked the horse in the jaw. we know this horses descendents as Giraffes.
  21. the dog ate my homework. can I copy off of you??
  22. no such thing as bad publicity.
  23. 1. jamario thomas once made a cut so hard that the earth actually spun the wrong direction for 10 seconds... luckily he cut back and the world was right again. 2. every picture you have ever seen of jamario thomas is computer generated, as humans have yet to invent a camera that can capture an image that fast. 3. Jamario Thomas CAN eat just one lays potato chip 4. Jamario Thomas has never been injured. that was a body double. he was off fighting crime and savin lives 5. a king cobra once struck at jamario thomas' jugular. the snake soon died of starvation after all of its teeth were shattered.
  24. dude, its the STONES. they get paid whatever they want. you think the stones suck.... YOU SUCK. you think they look old?.... youre too sober to fully enjoy them. the stones rock your lame ass.
  25. I have decided to disregaurd the recruiting sites information. the only review that I saw that was decent was in a local paper (I dont remember which one) but they were the only review that I have seen that took the time to look at our needs and rate how we addressed them. their review was favorable, not spectatcular, but they thought that we did well. I think we did a fine job of addressing our needs at OL, DL and QB. we dont have any 5star guys, but we have only ever had 1 highly rated recruit and our other guys panned out just fine. with good coaching I dont see any reason why we wont be just as good as we were in the good years.
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