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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. Michale Jackson is dead at 50
  2. there is not difference between these two records. I enjoy watching the current version of the team 100% more than draw left, draw right, draw left.
  3. Who's selling?
  4. I respectfuly disagree. TX/OU is like the superbowl in Dallas Texas. It is the biggest college football game of the year in the whole state. Much bigger than any bowl game that happens here. We shouldnt have to schedule around it but, to garner the largest crowd of football fans, we do.
  5. health insurance companies operate on some of the smallest margins of any industry anywhere. If Health insurors were making tons and tons of money I promiss there would be a Bigrobdsp insurance company. They dont need anymore competition than the free market already gives them. Anyone who thinks that government interference with the free market will lower costs had to sleep right through freshman level econ on their way to a degree in ceramics. Any industry that we want to become more competitive just needs to be fed to the free market. Any fat left in it will be imediatly loped off by plain old fashioned capitlolism. you want cheaper health care? cancel all goverment health programs. that will cheapen things up in about 2 hours.
  6. I understand that they are at different times, but they shouldnt be playing on the same weekend. I have quite a few freinds that would rather shell out $500+ for a UT/OU ticket than make it to their own homecoming. Even if the game is over early, they will stay in the Dallas area. It wouldnt be a discussion if they didnt happen at the same time.
  7. we will start recovering during the year leading up to the next election. Just sayin
  8. why do we schedule homecoming games on the same weekend as TX / OU??? I realize that we shouldnt have to schedule somthing as big as our homecoming around a regular conference football game between two schools hundreds of miles from DFW, but WTF??? Why would you schedule a game on a weekend when you know that 90% of your alumni would rather watch another game in your home town than come to your homecoming? The people on this board arent the ones that I am worried about, but more than half of my alumni freinds that were at a kids birthday party the other day said "I would like to go, but comon, its TX / OU weekend". The people in charge should realize that we dont need to compete with those two for attendance at our biggest game of the year. next year (and every year after that) push homecoming back or forward one game. That is all.
  9. I took a couple of "ahtlete" classes while at NT. We probably dont need to be throwing the first stone when it comes to setting up an easy path to graduation. Just sayin.
  10. That is correct. Actually I think sleeping with her is quite possibley gayer than sleeping with a man. she is that manly
  11. Tobe is a champion. His energy is what this team is feeding off of.
  12. that it correct. Nailing one of the Williams sisters is gayer than than giving another man a pantles belt kiss...
  13. I am 97% sure that sleeping with Serena Williams makes you gay.
  14. 12-1 (loss to LSU in the sugar bowl) #8. mark it down.
  15. If I was a betting man (and I can be) I would have noticed their over/ under and I would take the over...
  16. I think that Troy scheduled a MAC team as a cupcake. I am not sure where the MAC got the idea that they are ina position to schedule anyone as a pushover. They are in the same position as the sunbelt.
  17. When I got home yesteday I immediatly changed out of my NT polo that I wore all day and into an NT t-shirt. I decided that it wasnt enough so I went upstairs and got some NT gear for both my son and daughter. Still unsatisfied I put on an NT hat and socks. I started to feel a little better. my wife called and asked me to peel some potatoes and mix them with onions to bake. when she got home I demanded some green kool aid, she obliged (lemon aid with green food coloring). she wondered aloud why the green food coloring was right in front of the spice cabinet. Her question was answered when she opended the foil packet and found green potatoes as our side dish for dinner. After a long internal argument, I have concluded that it was the socks. That is what pushed us over the edge.
  18. http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/....146ada98b.html
  19. I litteraly made my wife create some green kool aid for me to drink prior to the game
  20. I really belive that Tobe is one of the major parts of this thing. His attitude was visible through the tv.
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicle
  22. you sir are a champion of men.
  23. One of the guys I work with is an Indiana alum. He advises that the correct term for Ball Stat is either "Fruit Jar Tech" (apparently the ball jar people are the namesake) or "Testicle Tech" (an omage to the ball shaped apendages). Just an FYI. Nothing further...
  24. This is about one of our biggest rivals football program and a kid from denton. Thats pretty darn related.
  25. I am personaly offended that this person is free. The judge in Scotland seems to have forgoten that he is not a Scotish criminal. He didnt give 270 people the chance to die peacefully with their families, and he doesnt deserve the chance to do that either.
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