maybe I am not the most learned person on the subject of college football*, but I think that a home loss aginst SMU would be devestating. I am expecting a win by at least 10 points. I know we were bad last year, but in week 2 Jamario should still be healthy and most of our other players should make it through the Texas game with out any broken bones right? SMU should be the weakest team on our scheudle (yes, including the sunbelt schools). I assume that if we win any games this will be one of them. its amazing how umpteen** straight years of losing somehow gives the SMU fans confidence that they will run over us. * the joke of course being that I am the most learned person in the college football world. ** intentionaly vauge as I am not sure how long it has been since they were relevant in the college football world. I just know that fans that remember should be dying off soon.