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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. Vince Young was not Rich in college. he was popular, but he wasnt getting paid. he has also earned every cent that they are going to pay him.
  2. we can add womens chess. I have an old chess set that I will donate. I will also build a picknick table by the PEB and name it the Kanuth atheletic chess complex. heck I will even throw in one of those little clocks that chess people smack when they are done moving. also my children get to go to school for free since I have a whole sports complex named after me.
  3. we can find smart baseball players and send them on acedimic scholarships.
  4. lets see... 150k for uniforms, gloves, bats, and balls. 20k for metal stadium seating. 65k for landscaping some of the unused land that UNT has laying around. 55k for a coach. 10k for ______________ = $300,000 baseball team added
  5. if the second test proves to have the same results I hope they strip him of every title he has ever had and ban him from even looking at a bike ever again. I dont think that he should even be able to operate chain drive machinery.
  6. http://www.ntdaily.com/media/storage/paper...www.ntdaily.com
  7. I would really like to be on that list by seasons end.
  8. http://www.voertmans.com/catalog_products....559LBTJFC06FP6C my daughter will have every one of these. she is going to be the cooles baby ever.
  9. there is nothing wrong with our system. Texas couldnt keep Romance Taylor from becoming acedimicly inelligible before he started carrying around pounds of pot. if they couldnt keep one of the top 10 recruits in the country from failing, I dont see how we could stop someone from doing the same. I dont kow Gilmore personaly, but if he is not smart enough to pass his Freshman level classes, he doesnt deserve to play for UNT. if he is smart enough and the problem is drive then he is even less deserving of the green uniform. my understanding is that UNT is top flight when it comes to dealing with learning disabilities. that, in my mind, removes the last of the excuses when it comes to not passing your classes. I only went to class 13 times my first semester (yes you are reading that correctly. not 13 hours but 13 individual times.) and most of those times I could barley walk. if they let me stay in school these kids shouldnt have a problem.
  10. Its spelled LOOSER...
  11. so we have: the #1 Running back the #2 Wide reciver and the #6 Quarterback sitting on our bench... we should be unbeatable
  12. or Comparison... http://web1.ncaa.org/d1mfb/natlRank.jsp?ye...coroff&site=org it may take a while, but scroll down to #112.
  13. I Love Frito Pie... that will be all.
  14. I hate to sound repetitive, but someone needs to let these folks know the facts... http://www.gomeangreen.com/forums/index.ph...io+thomas+facts
  15. I am really enjoying this preview series. it has me very hopeful for this new season
  16. In related news I am pressing a lawsuit against Elle magazine. I feel I was discriminated against. Apparently they don’t think that a fat man can model women's fashion adequately.
  17. (with my best stodgy Boston accent) Ask not why UNT dominates Sams in lewisville, ask why UNT merchendise doesnt dominate every sports apparel retailer in north dallas.
  18. we will be holding rush events by the beerman tent during pre-game of all home games. wear a green NT polo and boots (flip flops are acceptable during the really hot games). Remember the best Hooligans know that the foundation of any succesfull football game is a solid tailgate, and you cant build a solid tailgate in an hour and a half, so show up early and give your pre-game everything youve got.
  19. I am so proud of myself and all my fellow Hooligans. weve worked long and hard to get here. weve celebrated his successes (sports center highlights, game winning circus catches). We have downed litteraly thousands of beers, at great personal risk mind you, in our pre-game efforts to will him to success. We feel that due to what I will call a "limited Playbook", we have not seen nearly enough of him, but rest assured that we will continue to stand in the corner of the stadium screaming "pass the Damn ball!!!" or "Throw it to Quinn you #)%(&$" in the hopes that our coaching prowess will be recognized and our advice heeded. in conclusion I would just like to say thank you to all the fans that support our fan support group.
  20. I have stayed in Austin quite a bit and I dont know of anything near the campus that you are going to get for less than $125 per night. I am actually surprised at that rate. I think youre doing well.
  21. I might be a "homer", and I MIGHT have voted for mostly NT players. but I was amazed to see that votes were cast for best running back for RB's other than JT. I only voted for our players when they were the best or I was not aware who was the best. who in the sunbelt isnt aware of JT? its homerism and I am not going to take it.
  22. USC had the colors first. and their uniforms were fine untill those no talent a$$ clowns* came by and used the same colors. also Texas Orange unis are the best and most recognizeable in the country. you can get ND mixed up with the line of other Blue and goldish teams. Michigans uni's are about as hip as a side spike (come on children of the late 70's). Bama is pretty cool, but there are more maroon/ crimson uni's out there than any other color. But the Texas Orange uni's cannot be mistaken. everyone knows who they are right away, and I think they look great. (*I dont really care about USC, I just like the phrase a$$ Clown)
  23. that would be awsome to see a defender grab the prosthetic arm of a running back and rip it off. I would pay money for a scan of a crowd if that happened.
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