there is nothing wrong with our system. Texas couldnt keep Romance Taylor from becoming acedimicly inelligible before he started carrying around pounds of pot. if they couldnt keep one of the top 10 recruits in the country from failing, I dont see how we could stop someone from doing the same. I dont kow Gilmore personaly, but if he is not smart enough to pass his Freshman level classes, he doesnt deserve to play for UNT. if he is smart enough and the problem is drive then he is even less deserving of the green uniform. my understanding is that UNT is top flight when it comes to dealing with learning disabilities. that, in my mind, removes the last of the excuses when it comes to not passing your classes. I only went to class 13 times my first semester (yes you are reading that correctly. not 13 hours but 13 individual times.) and most of those times I could barley walk. if they let me stay in school these kids shouldnt have a problem.