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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. you should be in prison
  2. they should send this article to every RB and OL recruit that is even considering us and point out that if the RB's want more touches and if the OL want to showcase their lane clearing skills that this is the place to do that. if we cant get a QB thats worth a s()$t, then we should showcase what we have.
  3. It's all Big 12, all the time If Big Ten Channel proves a success, then why not this region? 11:02 PM CDT on Thursday, August 10, 2006 As Big 12 football teams gear up for the coming season, there's an even bigger game plan being formulated in the league's headquarters. Contract negotiations with ABC and ESPN will begin next spring. Much has changed in the TV game since the current contract was signed. Last month, the Big Ten announced a new TV deal with ABC and ESPN. But the big news was a deal with Fox called the Big Ten Channel. Starting in August 2007, anyone with DirecTV will be able to get 24 hours a day of Big Ten programming on mini-satellite dish. There will also be a big push to get the Big Ten Channel on most cable systems. The only football and basketball games shown on the Big Ten Channel will be the matchups passed over by the big networks. The rest of the time, it will show nonrevenue sports and probably a lot of filler. Still, the plans are to show at least 35 football and 105 men's basketball games a year on the Big Ten Channel. That's enough to get thousands of Big Ten sports fanatics salivating – and calling their cable companies begging for the channel. The Big Ten's coaching staffs must be drooling, as well. Coaches can pitch to recruits that the Big Ten has its own channel. Get Grandma a satellite dish, and she can watch your games back home in Florida. It's not just the Big Ten getting into the satellite-cable business. The Mountain West Conference will unveil its own regional sports network this fall. If those conferences can do it, why not the Big 12? Imagine 24/7, 365 days a year of nothing but Big 12 programming. Forget the Today Show – rise and shine with the Red Raiders. Get your Longhorns fix at lunchtime, your Aggies in the afternoon and the Bears at bedtime. New fathers would more willing to handle those 3 a.m. feedings if they can hold the bottle while watching a replay of Saturday's Iowa State-Kansas game. Even better: No more pay-per-view. If a game isn't picked up by the networks, it will be on the Big 12 Channel. The Big Ten is a natural for its own channel, because it encompasses so many large markets and its fans are unceasingly devoted. The Big 12 doesn't have the population base of the Big Ten, but it does have substantial satellite penetration because of so many rural areas. "We do have a region that can support something like that," Big 12 commissioner Kevin Weiberg said. "We have passionate fans, and we do have a lot of the attributes to support that structure." It remains to be seen whether the Big Ten Channel will be a success. It's a matter of costs versus exposure. But at the same time, the Big 12 doesn't want to be left without a channel if that's the trend. There's another option for the Big 12 to increase its exposure. Fox is now the network of the BCS, but it doesn't have regular season college football. Could the Big 12 become Fox's showcase conference, the way the Southeastern Conference is on CBS? (The Big 12 already has a cable deal with Fox Sports Net that runs through 2011-12.) With a network all to itself, there would be no more split national football telecasts as there are with ABC. Every national game would truly be national. That's one of the things the Big Ten just negotiated with ABC – any split national Big Ten games would be shown on ESPN or ESPN2 in markets that aren't carrying its games over the air. The risk of going with Fox means losing ties with ABC and ESPN, networks college sports fans have been conditioned to turn to. It also might mean losing Big Monday basketball games on ESPN. Would the increased exposure of football on Fox be worth losing Big Monday for the Big 12? Weiberg said Fox has expressed an interest, but there haven't been any talks, because ABC and ESPN have an exclusive negotiating window. However, a good game-planner always anticipates adjustments. "We'll do our due diligence in terms of what our options will be," Weiberg said. Those options keep changing as fast as technology does. It's not just television anymore that can maximize revenue and exposure. There's the Internet, satellite radio, iPods. The day is coming when you can watch games on your cellphone. Traditional TV is still the biggest piece of the pie. Last year, the Big 12 made $50 million from television, or about half its total revenue. "We would never envision a day when we would not have national broadcast exposure for our major sports," Weiberg said. "It is a changing environment. It requires you to think about it differently." With television negotiations looming, the Big 12 has a lot to think about. E-mail kwhitmire@dallasnews.com
  4. I think it makes a difference. one dealership is paying players who dont work there, the other is just employing a family member of a player. I dont think that giving the guys dad a job is dirty. I have a freind from High School who went to prison who now works in the mechanic shop of a car dealership. that just dosent seem like a big deal to me. Paying players for not working on the other hand is
  5. I dont think that having a job is an "extra benifit". I am certain that the only reason he has the job is because of who his son is, but it would not be possible to regulate that no family members get promotions / jobs / etc.. while their family member is playing football for Blank U. I just dont see how they could legaly define that as an extra benifit. they would have to show that no other Felon has ever been employed at any dealership anywhere with the job description that he has. then they would have to prove that he has none of the qualifications that the job requires. if they were able to prove both of these they would have a 50 / 50 chance of proving somthing in violation of the NCAA rules occured here.
  6. http://cracked.com/modules.php?op=modload&...article&sid=363
  8. if we get Bomar I am going to go straight out and buy a #7 jersey. I may also change my name... Bomar +Boner + somthing about happines =... Boner!
  9. No. I know of him. he is from like carrolton or somwhere local and he is a freshman. I was just wondering if anyone had actually seen him in practice. I understood that he was impressing people and just wanted to know what someone who had seen him in live drills thought.
  10. tell me where you bought them. I want football pants
  11. I understand that Andrew Payne (a walk on) had the best times of all the linemen in the first day of drills. anyone know how likley it is that he will be able to contribute any time soon? not having actually seen the practices I can only go on what I hear. has anyone noticed him, or does anyone know anything about him other than he has a good football name. I love a football player named Payne.
  12. I just heard about this. I have never been so happy in my whole life. if this transfer goes through I think that this could be the biggest thing to ever happen to our program. Players want to go play with the #1 QB out of high school. we would get better recruits, infinitly more TV exposure (Dickey being interviewd by stewart scott about the descision making process of taking a guy with "character issues"), a built in fan base (love him or hate him... people will pay attention) ticket sales will go through the roof. to keep my rant short this could be the turning point that so many of us have been looking for. I am in.
  13. turning down bomar is a big tumbs up vote for mediocrity. there is no reason that he doesnt deserve a second chance. plus he wont have people jumping up and down to give him things here. I think that this would be a great place for him to prove that he can change.
  14. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/si_blogs/...eep-throat.html
  15. if anyone is going to be utilized elsewhere it should me Meager. I would always prefer someone who has proven that they can play the position, but in this case I would rather go forward with the people who havent proven that they cant play. Wilson, Philips, The walk-on, a midget in a speedo... I havent watched any of these people play 10+ games and get to a staggering 941 yards. They are all, therefore, beter qualified to play QB than Meager On Wilson's Team Dedication: maybe he was in a super secret QB training facility durning voluntary workouts. Or maybe he was saving humanity or somthing. you dont know
  16. my last year at school the all campus male average was 2.6ish and the Greek average was 2.7ish.
  17. I have been flipping out about this for hours. I guess I forgot to post it. what an idiot Bomar is. this is the same guy that got caught drinking (under age) courtside at the New Orleans game In Oklahoma City.
  18. for some reason I dont see BigRobDSP on the list.
  19. the tailgate that Mad Hatter and I host typicly draws about 40 people. more for a big game. only about half of those people go into the game, but a few years ago it was only about 1 in 5. Having more people at the tailgate only enhances the game day atmosphere. according to estimates the UT tOSU game last year had about 350k at the pregame tailgate. they stadium only holds 110k. I dont think that any schools tailgate party moves directly into the staduim 30 minutes before game time. I know alot of people on this board dont understand it, but alot of people are just here for the party.
  20. 1. Nessesary Roughness 2. Nessesary Roughness 3. Nessesary Roughness
  21. the best beer in the world is the beer that Ben E. Keith brewery hands out while the beer man is playing on a hot august day in the parking lot before the mean green take the feild.
  22. http://insider.espn.go.com/ncf/insider/news/story?id=2530127 for those without, they have a pretty positive review of us. they think that we will have a winning record this year, but not win the conference title.
  23. http://thewizardofodds.blogspot.com/2006/0...m-and-fast.html a little different story, but along the same lines
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