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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/preview06/ne...tory?id=2564578
  2. man... think of all those people in the ASPS... it looks like the star treck club will have a serge in membership this year.
  3. "Let me know where and when you received the ticket. I would like to follow through on this. Does this meand we need to get a "permit" to park across from the frat house at homecoming? Dan DSP alum" I got my ticket in Febuary of 03 apparently. I am not sure why I was there, but I imagine that it was an alumni meeting or somthing like that. I can only assume that they relax the rules for an event like homecoming, but I dont know.
  4. I cant be the only person who was terrified at what I would see when I opened this topic up????
  5. Beer would generate more revenue than a sold out stadium, full of merchidise clad NT EXES. the university would have to purchase a very large Liquor Liability policy but they could afford it at $5 per beer. I dont know about you, but I havent been to a game without a 5 hour head start on boozing ever. nothing would change. the drinkers would drink and others would not. I wouldnt have to go outside at half time or take my time walking in finishing what I am drinking so... Yes
  6. Emmit, please begin the outpooring of hatred in 5, 4, 3... http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=2562097
  7. Bomar in Huntsville... go figure...
  8. it sounds to me like you have a solution. someone else has the problem.
  9. Beerman... it sounds so good when it hits your ears...
  10. is this where the old sig ep hotel was?
  11. quoting myself "Texas by 6 1/2"
  12. I think that this year we should have a tailgating and game day picture forum where people can post pics with a little tailgating story. I think that this would make people who are casually parusing the board more likley to come have fun with us. Make it so.
  13. singing "Yankee Wussies"
  14. Brain Science... DUH
  15. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/preview06/ne...tory?id=2560479
  16. they are going to be breaking in a new offensive unit. they dont really have the option of calling off the dogs with tOSU coming in town the next weekend. this one might go into the record books
  17. no one seems to be getting what I am saying. a team like Texas can do what ever they want and people will change their lives to accomidate. My in laws are huge UT / college football fans and we have actually forced family members to change wedding dates to make sure that they dont interfere with football season. UNT on the other hand has about 46 fans give or take who would make similar adjustments to attend games. for everyone else you need to remove obstacles to attendance if you want people at the game. having somthing like UT OU weekend during homecoming is not doing that. I honestly belive that we will have about 60% of the attendance that we would normally have had because of this scheduling f up. it doesnt take a rocket surgeon to figure out that everyone who would normally go to homecoming will have at least the option of an all day cookout/ game watching party to attend if they so choose.
  18. Cedric Benson is one of the all time greatest college running backs. anyone who says otherwise never watched him play. its a shame that he is hurt, and its a shame that anyone here would be smug about it.
  19. I understand that everyone on this board will probably be at the game. what everyone is missing is that casual fans and even most of our students are WAY more interested in the UT OU game. If every die hard UNT fan shows up it will be a great crowd of 2300 at fouts to see homecoming. if you dont see the conflict here you are just not looking. most of our alums are not huge fans of the football program. they will not show up when there is a huge draw that same weekend. of the 10-15 guys that I normaly come to the game with I would imagine about 4 are big enough fans to ignore all the festivities around the other game and attend homecoming, and they all went to NT. you can say that you dont want that kind of fan all you want, but we all know that is not true. La Tech would be an infinitly better option.
  20. if a team wins without a crowd did they win at all?
  21. your kidding right? most of the people that I go to the games with will probably stay home and watch the biggest thing that happens in dallas each year as opose to go to the homecoming game. I would bet that this would be one of our lower attended games. unless you are big UNT fan the UT OU game is just bigger and more important.
  22. man... I just... I want to... Really??? we scheduled Homecoming game on UfingT OfingU weekend? are you sure that we couldnt have worked somthing out to have it on superbowl sunday when the cowboys play the redskins and the halftime show is a public knife fight between Jerry Jones, Laura Miller, and that precher from the Potters house? Im sure that many Dallas people would gladly miss either to come attend our homecoming festivities.
  23. this view sounds familiar... but oddly different. http://forums.hornfans.com/php/wwwthreads/...sb=5&o=0&fpart=
  24. I think we all knew he had a little hoolagin in him. I wonder if the other guys helmet made it out in one peice.
  25. it's Texas. you drive a big truck, you get crappy gas mileage, and you smile... and beat up hippies.
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