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Everything posted by GreenN'walinsVet

  1. I hate to inform you but Dallas beat Pittsburgh in 1995
  2. Its in the fine print where its stated who pays for all the RIVALS information
  3. Dang if I would of known I would of had you do my wedding DUB! But then again Im not sure Joanne would of allowed such a train wreck
  4. Im not sure they need suits and tie's but i think even blue jeans and a nice NT Golf Shirt would look fine and be a drastic improvment over the past decade or so.
  5. Just to shed some light on this subject. Jeff Darwin is living in the Gainesville area as well, working for the Coors/Miller Lite Distribution Center out of Wichita Falls. There is another coach that I would like to see considered and I know from first hand experience that he is interested in the job if we were to start a program and that is Derek Matlock He was an assistant for TCU the last couple of years, is the current Lake Dallas head coach and Denton Outlaws Head Coach.
  6. Thanks Harry im in
  7. First off Dub, she probably will hunt you down, but hopefully you can escape Second, Zeke, it went over well becuase it was just my Groom's cake that was decorated with the S of W, not the wedding cake Thrid, I forgot to mention that as i threw the gater the good ol' fight song was playing in the back and the Talons were being thrown up all around the hall
  8. Oh she is a hugh sports fan, maybe as much as me , and she will be out there tailgating unless her beloved Penn State (she's a grad) is playing at that time on TV
  9. No offense to some of you out there, but during my recent wedding (12/30/06) when we arrived at the reception my groom's cake was decorated with the Son of Worm and next to it was this picture and others like it
  10. harry when you get a chance i would also like to be in? Thanks
  11. Restaraunt Manager, Winstar Casinos
  12. Im going to just calmly say that next year when TD is holding up the SBC Conference Championship Trophy and later the NO Bowl Trophy I want every Mean Green fan to send this Column back to Mrs. Engel wtih a note attached that says simply F&*K You Bi#CH
  13. Just for my two cents the White Helment with the NT is great looking with the right uni combination it could be awsome. Just for kicks would it be possible to put the S of W on the white helment to see what it looks like?
  14. Yes it is Charlie Waters and I hate to burst your bubble the Ticket is the official Cowboys station not ESPN
  15. Just for a little insight, vert few upper level High School coaches in Texas actually teach anymore, these guys are hired for one purpose and one purpose only to coach football
  16. I know for a fact (but dont want to reveal his name because their season is still going on) but a local kid who attented a local high school is an assistant strength and conditioning coordinator for a BIG XII school is interested in returning home.
  17. This really isnt as bad as some of you are making it out to be. If im right the dead period begins Monday. So we are really only losing what two maybe three days of recruiting by waiting for SLC's season to continue?
  18. Look everybody needs to step back from the ledge and relax. Now the question was will we have a better chance in Norman now that TD is the coach instead of DD. Well the answer to that question is YES. There is no doubt in my mind that with TD as the coach we have a better chance to win. We will go up there with the attitiude that we can win, instead of lets just get our of here healthy. Now do i believe were going to win, NO. Reality tells you that, but who would of given TCU a chance in norman two years ago? Remember OU has to replace a running back and quaterback, so they have a lot of questions as well. Could this game be a blowour like the past years? Most defintly, but at least were going to go up there and try to win the game. which to me is the most important part.
  19. While this is just a rumor, you would have to think that one if not both of these guys would have an inside track on the new SLC Head Coaching Opening.
  20. Being that i am a new alumni of NT I was waiting to see a commitment from the University before giving them my financial contributions With today's news i have decided to become a Mean Green Club Member at the $500 level as well as purchase either 4 or 6 sets of season tickets. I am wondering how many other our there like me are now considering or decided that the time is right to begin dontating more to NT after today's news???
  21. what about radio i would think KNTU would cover this does anybody know
  22. Let it be noted that SLC has a uniform contract with Under Armour. I believe the possibility that TD could bring that connection with him is very reasonable.
  23. You know ive always thought this could be used as a great day for North Texas Football. Such as kick-off the day with the Greenbackers cooking out for the team and fans around noon along with the Beerman playing his great country music. Followed by the annual gomeangreen.com bowl. This followed by a performance by the Green Brigade Followed by a great Green/White Football game Which could then be followed by a concert of somekind with acts such as Bowling for Soup, Cross Canadian ragweed, etc. All the while using all this to sell the program and more importantly season tickets for the upcoming season
  24. Somewhat off topic, but the article states that the last three coaches at Newman Smith were assistants there the year prior to becoming head coach, but i know for sure that Mark Copeland came directly from Gainesville to Newman Smith.
  25. If im not mistaken the Insight bowl is being played in Tempe at Sun Devil Stadium (the former home of the fiesta bowl and cardinals)
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