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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Well, then I'll hold out hope for it being on the helmets. Small chance, but I can still dream.
  2. Right except that according to Nate - "They (NT) don't pay enough".
  3. you forgot laserbeams. frickin laserbeams. and Tang.
  4. I think you are all missing the obvious, Rodge wins with a projectile vomit attack to the face. No defense to this type of attack.
  5. I wonder if the NT exes assn. is aware of this?
  6. I don't think anyone could put Tune at #2 after watching the spring scrimmage.
  7. I don't remember which season - 1999? but DD had like 5 state top 100's. Anyone remember the names and which season? This would include the group with BKennedy, Buckles, etc. I believe.
  8. Ah yes, but you are underestimating the power of pride... and snobbery.
  9. Good point Jim, just setting expectations within the framework of the Dodge era is important in my mind. I'm expecting the following if TD is going to live up to his name and reputation at this level: 1.) This year: we are respectable and are at least .500 in wins. At least one OOC win. Playing close in all other OOC games. Losing by less than 27 to OU. 2.) Next year: we win 75% of SBC games. Win half of OOC games. Start to dominate SBC games in the wins. Losing bodybag games by less than 17. 3.) Third year: for Dodge - win 90% of SBC games. Should win the conf. If we are in a bowl we should win. Should scare the crap out of our money game opponents to the point where they may back out of "bodybag games" because they are afraid they may be the ones in the bodybag. 4.) Forth year: TD's name at this point should be kicked around for CUSA/WAC jobs. He should be in final stages of approval from the FDA for his cancer cure. At least one player on offense or defense should be a finalist for the nobel peace prize. That is all.
  10. Wasn't that the first play of the game? I was so incredibly pumped at that game. A large NT contingent, we were all pumped but then things just fell apart. JMO had an incredible touchdown run to put us up by 2tds, after that, the hamstring injury came up and the game was over after he was out of it.
  11. funny stuff. I also tried the RTVF major for about a semester and then jumped ship to a different major. Although I do wish I could somehow get NTTV down here in Keller because I loved watching some of the shows because they were SOOO bad they were fun to watch (like watching a train wreck fun). The one show I remember watching was "Salsa with Ray". Anyone remember that show on NTTV?
  12. Johnny F'n A' Quinn. He's a real Mf'er. Just ask Darell Dickey.
  13. I'd have to pick A. Beat OU and the recruits would perk up their ears even with a 1-10 season - "oh - those are the guys who beat OU. " "but they lost to everyone else" "who CARES man - they beat freaking OU - IN NORMAN!" end of discussion.
  14. From their site: OUCH!!! However, full credit should not be given because there was no somersault, and the ball was not taken out of Meagers hands and pointed at the opposing coach.
  15. Kid looks good from the video. Reminds me a bit of this guy:
  16. That is laugh out loud funny.
  17. Where is the "who cares?" selection?
  18. There - I fixed the quote for you:
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