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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. If there is indeed a beef fence, I can tell you that I have chosen a side. And it isn't the side that SMU has chosen.
  2. Looks great to me! I think the main thing that makes it better is that the words North Texas will be much easier to read. I don't care about the comparisons to Southlake.
  3. Excellent idea. Now we just need somebody to start the chant in a particular section and get everyone else to do it. Rick?
  4. Thanks for the analysis, TFLF. Good read.
  5. If anyone has not seen the Vaquero development in Westlake, wow. It is gate guarded and homes average 3 million. It is really something to see. Vaquero link
  6. I will always root for Baylor vs. any Big 12. I will always root for TTech vs. any other Big 12 except Baylor. Actually, I think I would root for TT over Baylor. I will always root for A&M over Texas. SMU is the only exception to the rule. I will never root for SMU. Period.
  7. As if there weren't enough rich folks in Southlake? LINK What was that I was saying about bidets in fouts? 136 homes that START at $1,300,000!?!? Where do these people come from, really?
  8. I think the tubes are clogged. Better reboot the internets.
  9. Every time I read a post with DD + MFer's I laugh. Doesn't matter how many times it is posted.
  10. Are you being facetious or do you really have a beef with the way RV runs game day? I hope you are serious because prior to RV I can tell you the game day was a joke. No Joke.
  11. Excellent, excellent points, 88. People who are saying not much will change under TD I think are way off. I'm just glad that I have locked in my season tickets in the location that I have them at this point because I could see tickets in the good locations on the alumni side become more expensive and harder to get. And that is exactly the way we should want it to be.
  12. You guys are all lucky that Dave Ramsey doesn't round-house kick you all to the face! Maybe we should be getting NT debit cards instead, so we won't be paying 22% interest on things we can't afford.
  13. Extra credit for using "Hellsbells". At one point we used to have a "Green Grenade II post generator". I think a PMG post generator would also be hilarious. For that matter a quoner one would be terrific. Who did that? Was it John Denver?
  14. Then we're going to need to upgrade the bathrooms. I'd suggest adding a bidet. And one of those guys who gives you fresh towels and cologne and puts out the tip tray.
  15. Well, will be interesting to see his selection, to say the least.
  16. Yes, we have a perfectly good eagle. So do 5.1 trillion other teams out there at every level. It isn't recognizable. The interlocking NT is. I'm right and you're wrong. Infinity!!!
  17. I think it is relevant. I don't know about other universities using their exes logos but I don't think that is a big deal. If it is the best logo, then use it. Period.
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