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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. The bears would not take a 2-9 or 3-9 coach, period. If I were a Baylor alum I would be hopping mad if we (they) took Dodge. We took Dodge because it was a gamble on someone who we thought would pan out for the price. That may very well happen. but for over a million a year I damn sure don't want a prospect. I want a blue chipper and paying that much gets you just that.
  2. Well, I'll man up as well. Didn't make it. Too ridiculously cold and wet for 3 kids, a 6 week old and a wife who needs convincing. Not willing to fight that. Glad we won and we'll be back next year. At least they got my season ticket money.
  3. I'd say there is a 20-30% chance of something big being said. Poster that brought up the rumor was a long time poster and was at least partially confirmed by another long term poster.
  4. Our family of 6 will be there. With a 6 week old baby no less.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I hope I'm wrong. Let's see how recruiting plays out. Mendoza better be working overtime dude. For that matter Todge better be sitting in some big, fast defensive recruits houses soon. And if the NCAA allows Todge to do laundry and wash dishes, roll up the sleeves buddy!
  6. Hard to tell if this is a positive for athletics or not. One is a College of Business graduate. Time will tell I suppose.
  7. That is pretty amazing. I didn't realize we were that close to a 20K average for the season. I mean we're 1-9 for pete's sake. I'll be there and hopefully we can have 16K other hopeful mean green folks!
  8. See, that's the problem. What evidence do we have that we will get any better next year at this point? We lose a ton of starters on defense and we don't seem to be recruiting very well on defense at this point. Who's going to step up next year on defense? How is Mendoza going to recruit players in a defense that averages giving up 46 points per game. Call me a pessimist but I see more of the same on defense next year.
  9. Remember, the score could have easily been 81 - 62. Navy took a knee on the 10 yard line with a minute or so on the clock. ouch.
  10. Dibrell just blew past the guy. He seems to have some serious speed but it was against Navy's secondary, so who knows.
  11. Will be interesting to see what the walk up ticket sales will be.
  12. This NAVY sponsored tailgate is not cheap. I believe 20 bucks per person. My father in law (USNA grad) tried to get me to go to this but that is a little to pricey for our family right now. I'm sure the food will be first class however. To answer your question I'm not sure where it will be set up but I can find out.
  13. Tasty you lost me when you left the lazerbeams off the sharks.
  14. In the event of the Mean Green purge, simply smear mean green blood over your door. It will pass over your house.
  16. hmm, interesting points 88. I think it sheds a little more light as the the source of all of this and I think you've accurately described TD's reasoning behind this and why he runs such a tight ship with his players.
  17. I wonder what percentage of those folks were southlake mildly interested folks. I would guess the number to be 20%.
  18. While I agree with you to an extent, I think it is a bit difficult to get into a game in the second half when the wheels come off to an embarrassing level. I mean, really... 2 back to back safeties? How does one cheer that? Thank goodness for the fireworks. My kids begged me to stay to watch them.
  19. Best part: Only our apathetic fans can help turn this ship around the way North Texas has in the past few seasons. Also, we wasted $750,000 on that Pony Up crap, so things are going to be pretty tight around here.
  20. TFLF is saying those things that deep down inside of us, we are all praying would not be true. Unfortunately if no changes are made on the defensive side of the ball, our nightmares could become our reality, and soon.
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