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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Ricks comments make a lot of sense and that was my question earlier RE: the water table. I think that is an urban myth because: 1.) NOBODY had substantiated those claims of a water table being under fouts. 2.) Until I see an engineer's report I won't believe it. Period. I think that they (university regents) just want to stick to the master plan that includes a parking garage where fouts sits now. And our AC is on the other side so it just makes more sense with what has been built to date (to me). Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have the new stadium built in the current spot as opposed to over the freeway but that ain't going to happen.
  2. My understanding was the work done was to study environmental impact. Drainage, traffic out of the area, impact to endangered species, Lead paint testing, squirrel abatement, that kind of thing. The conceptual rendering was some guy playing around with CGI software. There was no architectural data behind it. So they need an ACTUAL architect to give them cost with a *REAL* desgin. Besides, we didn't like the original design anyway, right? Hopefully they'll burn that and try again without the small lower level seating. Just my understandings.
  3. Nevermind.. There are two RFQ's evidently, Request for Qualification and Request for Quotation.
  4. Don't forget, it was uphill both ways.
  5. Since Plumm is MIA, I'll send out the Plumm-signal(sm) HELLSBELLS!!!!
  6. You are telling the wrong group of people to calm down. Some people have already gone running naked down the streets and are not at their keyboards. My proof is that Pumm has not responded to this thread. I rest my case.
  7. Why do I get the sick feeling we are preparing for the Maverick's NBA championship parade route through Dallas? I hope I am wrong about that.
  8. I don't think it was ever actually printed, it was just a blog entry. I don't know if you would even have proof that it was ever written.
  9. But why would they go to the trouble of getting this kind of bid and going through this process if you don't have the money? Seems kind of pointless to me.
  10. No I think it means don't piss off the residents of the Denia "ain't just a river" subdivision.
  11. whoa. need to read all of that but it looks like the real deal.
  12. Public knowledge where??? I haven't seen any press release.
  13. I'm guessing Todge is busy meeting with the new stadium architects going over final design questions for the new stadium. That must be the super double secret nugget some of you yahoos have been concealing from us. I mean yahoo in the best possibly way.
  14. Not too bad when you consider this was a 2-9 year.
  15. What was the final attendance average for the season?
  16. That is GREAT news if true. Win or lose, a series with NT v SMU is great for both schools.
  17. Come on, we all know it is the waterless urinals.
  18. Boy you are so right on that one. By the time August rolls around again, we'll be hearing about how Mendoza is the second coming of Mike Ditka and our new 2 star recruits on defense were WAAAYYY underrated and could start for anyone in the nation. Oh and that 4.6 speed was really a 4.3 because rivals is always biased against non BCS schools and always works the numbers. And I'll be guilty of doing it as well.
  19. Looks like the game is going to be streamed live through the interweb on meangreensports.com. So I guess for 10 bucks you can watch it live over the net.
  20. I thought they said something about being a "real" American hero.
  21. I guess they will be secret decoder rings. Good for them.
  22. I hope their expectations provide a 6'3" 320LB three star nose tackle. Because that's what we need.
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