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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I don't think I would just come out and say that in those exact words. Ouch.
  2. And since we are early in the process, I think this builds momentum. Now you can say - see - we already have 5 3 star rivals players. Other kids see we are really building something here - jump on board now! And kids will respond to that I think. Perception is reality. Rivals is reality to high school kids, and we all know it.
  3. It does mean something. On average a 3 star recruit is better than a 2 star recruit. Yes there are exceptions, but generally they are just that - exceptions. And to me- if someone is rated 3 stars that means rivals has actually SEEN that person and cared enough to put them to 3 stars. That or the fact that large schools are chasing them (yes I know we all get up in arms about this, but if a big school is recruiting, they've seen something).
  4. I'm wondering if some of our early success has to do with the fact that SMU is still coach-less.
  5. Killerfrogs.com saying all the typical "we lost a recruit but he wasn't that great anyway, how could he go to ntsu, hippes, etc." types of comments.
  6. It's too bad that Todge didn't continue DD's tradition of showing player highlight reels at the AC. That was a fun event that should be continued. If Todge did do it, I wasn't aware of it, correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. Where is the article Vito promised for today? Is it strange nothing has been formally written up yet other than a blog entry?
  8. I found a sketch of the original carpenter who worked on the project.
  9. They filed bankruptcy after that ill-advised foray into tele-graph machines. Who could have seen the tele-phone coming, really?
  10. Yes I would be willing to give in the 1,000 range, but here's my suggestion - when the designs come back in for the new stadium and one is picked, you need to show that image on the news EVERYWHERE. The free PR and advertising would help the dollars flow in, I would imagine. Plus it shows something more concrete and will convince more donors out there to open their pocketbooks. Maybe even some who have yet to be contacted. There's just something about seeing that design on Ch. 8 news that makes it legitimate.
  11. I laughed at that one as well. Classic.
  12. I hear you about Dodge's loyalty. However, I've also seen TD in a picture shaking hands with none other than George W Bush. That is unsettling. *edit* he is also known to be friends with BILL PARCELLS... I rest my case. Talk amongst yourselves.
  13. I think that's something you get when you get the mean greens.
  14. Yeah right, SMU and Orlando are big time apples to oranges. Some guy for SMU just stepped up and dropped tens of millions to basically fund the project. As far as I know UCF didn't have that sort of lump sum donation.
  15. Come on... webbed feet? hilarious - onion material.
  16. Looks like we've come on strong on the defensive side. Now if only we could get a 3 star DT. Hmmm.
  17. Nope. I reserve my right to make rash judgments, way too early predictions based on insufficient data, and the laughable rivals star ranking systems as my compass. Just like all the other crazy internet fans on message boards across the country.
  18. I'll reserve judgment on that until after I see this year's recruiting class.
  19. I remember RV saying something about the fact that an in-ground stadium is cheaper to produce because there is not as much concrete being used. That could lower the costs somewhat.
  20. Good to hear! I hope they are defensive recruits.
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