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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. How did I miss MGE's hilarious comments regarding POO monkeys and helmet stickers!?!?! Brilliance!!!!! Brilliance I tell ya!!!
  2. Will I be drawing social security first? I'm only 33.
  3. loyalfan? is that you? Only longtime posters would know who I'm referring to...
  4. Ok this was a good discussion and then you had to pull out the tinfoil hat. Schools within systems don't flip flop on which on is the Flagship. I doubt that has ever happened in the history of higher education in this country.
  5. And to address the comments regarding the College Of Engineering's struggles- come on, give me a break - this college has been around for what - 5-7 years? You don't snap your fingers and have all of the degree plans in engineering that say a Texas Tech has. These programs take time to build. The point is that the process has started and the university is committed to it. Success will come in time when high school students see it as a more mature program that they would choose instead of driving a million miles away to TTU and who prefer a more traditional college experience than something at UTD. We just have to become that sweet spot.
  6. I agree with Emmitt from this standpoint - we all know of the universities academic status or perceived status or whatever yardstick you choose to use. No one among us wants success in Athletics to take away from potential successes in the classrooms or research arenas. But he has two points that I strongly disagree with. 1.) That UNT should just "get it over with" and merge with the UT or TAMU system. - I feel the North Texas area is plenty large enough to have its own independent System university. In fact this area's population explosion will only CONTINUE to increase, not decrease due to affordable housing. 2.) That essentially all this effort for fund raising for a new stadium or athletic programs is somehow preventing UNT from putting funds to where it needs to be most to increase the TIER status - Professors, endowment, etc. - The bottom line (at least to me) in raising the bar on our Tier status or academic status is to show the above average student that UNT is a solid 4 year university that aspires to be big time. Yes athletics is only one way to show that but like everyone else has said - perception IS REALITY. And many of the major factors in the TIER ratings that would be improved with better athletic success involve alumni GIVING RATES which directly contribute to ENDOWMENTS, Funded scholarships, etc. Basically the key is to get the alumni to care enough to give back. Two of the biggest things done in the past and hopefully future are and will be : 1.) New college of engineering - HUGE factor to increasing donation levels and quality of applicants. 2.) New football stadium. HUGE factor to increasing alumni apathy and connection to the school.
  7. At this point in the poll exactly 32.31% of respondents have the correct answer.
  8. <laughs out loud> ... then pauses.. Is he talking about me?
  10. OOO - missed the chance for a three-peat - let's clap our feet!
  11. Wow never thought of it in those terms. That is pretty amazing.
  12. and pointed brevity! oh...wait.. we're talking about PMG....nevermind.
  13. Soylent green is peeeople!!! PEEEOPLEE!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Labratory hotel. I almost spit out my Dr. Pepper on that one.
  15. I'll bet money that if you take your account # and divide it by pi you may get RV's telephone number.
  16. I always thought that the Muts biggest concern was potable water.
  17. After reading that document - Didn't know we had a missle base on campus.. Hmmm. Asbestos in Masters Hall and Nuclear ICBMs on campus? What's next?
  18. Didn't read this document in detail - but it does specifically state that the Radisson would be purchased if it came available. LINK TO FACILITIES PLAN DOCUMENT
  19. Well if any of this murky information is accurate this is certainly going to be an interesting next year or so.
  20. I'm a little uncomfortable with the mention of the Murchison ... Anyone else? What does that have to do with the Radisson lease?
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