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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. No I think you miss my point. Of course money already donated would not be diverted. And if someone explicitly states a donation is for the stadium or for athletics that money would also not be diverted. But what I'm worried about is that Dr. B would say...oh... tap the breaks on hounding donors for the stadium and see if they can spare some pocket change to help finish the business building first since we ran out of public monies to finish the project. That kind of thing.
  2. If the costs go over 60M I just wonder if they start diverting donor dollars to this project. Academics would take precedence.
  3. NT business school - construction to start late 2009. If building costs will be greater than 60M (likely with inflation lately) - then they will try to get private funding. NT Daily article
  4. You haven't seen it yet, but you simply need to wait. It will appear once the fee vote campaign is made public by the university or AD.
  5. We had 6,000 season tickets last year? wow!
  6. Just more fuel for the anti-stadium fee camp my friend. And don't kid yourself that that group is limited to 13 or whatever people on facebook. They will be coming out of the woodwork when the fee vote makes the NT daily...
  7. They are already shelling out more tuition for this upcoming semester. NT Daily Link
  8. I did call them and evidently I renewed past the April deadline. Whoops! They won't budge on freebies. I may still go, debating it..
  9. well rats I missed the deadline anyway. Not sure if I'm going now - will be $70 for me now.
  10. wow must have missed that. I'll give them a call today. Thanks for the info!
  11. wow! watched this segment on the news last night. Had no idea this guy was a former NT player.
  12. The cookout is still free to season ticket holders who bought their tickets prior to the renewal deadline, right? Just wanted to make sure that's still the case.
  13. Just wanted to give some props to RV for agreeing to do this. I'm sure it won't satisfy all RV critics but at least he's meeting and answering questions - something we criticize him for not doing.
  14. Great Point Lifer.. We (we being students and alumni and fans alike) just need to ask ourselves one simple question. Do we want our athletic programs and specifically football to succeed at the D1 level? If the answer is yes then we must vote yes for this fee and as alumni we must buy season tickets, join the MGC and do whatever it takes. It really has nothing to do with how "good" this current team is. Like FFRick always says - I don't think about how "good" my kids are before I feed them or save for their futures. I do that because they are my kids. I support this school because it is my alma mater, I spend 4 *cough* 5 years there and I want the school to succeed.
  15. For the record I think this is an EXCELLENT idea and thank you to UNTflyer for attempting this and putting the effort to get this off the ground. I'll take one if you produce them.
  16. And we would have gotten away with it... if it weren't for pesky 97and03.
  17. Just an FYI - if we do not have a stadium by 2010, I'm personally holding Quoner responsible.
  18. congratulations! Now let the sleepless nights begin!
  19. Well I'll be damned. It's on their website and all. KState 2010 schedule
  20. Is that confirmed? Maybe that is what Todge is referring to.
  21. And if you look at the topography of that area - a sloping lawn area in one end zone would not be that difficult to do.
  22. Then just give the gift anonymously if you are worried about your image.
  23. I'm gonna go out on a limb and mark DallasGreen down as a #9.
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