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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. NT Daily I found this quote interesting:
  2. A piece of advice - don't search the term "Stadium". You might take down the internets.
  3. What, Lonnie, you're not a coach like me? Shame on you.
  4. Tasty Greek - Founding member of the ADDDL (Anti Darrell Dickey Defamation League) founded 2008.
  5. I think our family will try to go if the weather is decent. That makes six of us.
  6. I never saw the video during the game but to see it even without the sound is still impressive. wow.
  7. Don't think NT will get more than 3 1st downs. Final: LSU :65 UNT: 0
  8. I don't know if that joke will ever get old, tasty.
  9. This is LSU football you are talking about here. My cousin lives in Baton Rouge and is a huge LSU fan. For them, LSU football is more important than life.
  10. Had a brilliant idea just come to me. Have all of the players bleach their hair blond. It will show unity between the players and provide a bond that they are all in this together.
  11. excellent post. actually made me consider stepping back from the ledge. nah..
  12. Really? I've seen the alumni side be MUCH MUCH worse. I did notice a drop in our section (H) but still, we better pray we get at least that number going forward. I could see the possibility of not making our 15K minimum this year. Sad.
  13. I swear if I read one more post about any player that is not either a large offensive line or defensive line recruit I think I will do something very, very bad.
  14. In thinking back on the one thing that stood out the most to me from the TU game it would be total confusion by both the NT coaching staff and the NT players. I can't count the number of times I would look up and see one player or the other with his hands up in the air looking at the sidelines totally clueless about where to be on the field. I can think of 2 times where Rodge was running around not sure where to line up with his hands up in the air. At one point I turned to my dad (whom I convinced to buy season tickets, poor guy) and asking him rhetorically - "did we not have a fall practice?". The other thing - that my Dad mentioned to me was that even from the very start of the game the players just did not look excited to be out there. Now that one I agreed with and I have no explanation for. I saw players slow to get to the line, lackadaisical shuffling around before the plays. Just an utter sense of "hey I'm just here to get a free ride". I know that sounds harsh but that's how it looked to me. In defense of Todge, the one comment I had to my parents was - This is just not what I expected from a Todge coached team. All the playoff games I watched - all the players knew where to be, were crisp, displayed poise and won games because they were extremely well coached. What the hell is going on here? I don't think I've heard a good explanation yet outside of Lonnie's belief that Todge is just unwilling to learn or hasn't figured out the college game yet. My mom had a good comment - "I think Todd Dodge is being served a heaping helping of humble pie".
  15. One positive I saw when I went back and watched the recorded game - AJ Penson is a monster. He had one tackle where he planted his feet and drove the running QB backwards.
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