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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I'm surprised I'm so excited to hear this.
  2. yes, tasty, we know. a thousand points of light, stay the course, Dickey was our savior.
  3. Now that's just too damn funny.
  4. Of course I hold Dodge accountable for this mess. Most of it is of his own making, and those reasons have been debated ad nauseum. I am not, however, ready to fire him yet. Barring complete breakdown of the team during the remainder of this year, (which is still possible) I would not fire him at the end of this year either. But next year is it in my mind. He better show better organization between his coaches, disciplined players with drive to win and game preparation.
  5. Hey, I have NO problem with the new lunchlady. But I mean she lacks basic skills! Santation, basic food prep, knowing the four food groups. I have a hard time believing she didn't learn those things back in the high school cafeteria. I mean even if she didn't know those things moving up to the restaurant level, couldn't she just arrange for some classes from the Deprtment of Health and human services?
  6. I read this thread before the other one. Boy was I confused. In other news, I was able to have lunch today. Therefore there is a precedent and hope that we WILL have lunch. Now it is just a precedent, but I think a very solid one.
  7. Well then let's hear them. I'm all ears.
  8. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Anyone else?
  9. Interesting that they hope it extends out past the Greeks as well. NT Daily link
  10. Evidently Lots of Hemorrhoid cream.
  11. I'M A MAN I'M 40!!! YOU LEAVE Flyer ALONE!!!
  12. How would we know? We aren't allowed into practice, remember?
  13. The last election was promoted with carrier pigeons and smoke signals.
  14. While I don't agree with Flyers stance on the deleted posts thing, I have utter respect for the guy. Cut him some slack. He is just as passionate about this as you are. We are on the same team here.
  15. Agree with Rick and Caribbean. Stay out of hornet's nests.
  16. But. Adler - you're kind of like dusty bottoms after he drinks a full canteen, gargles with the water, puts on lip balm and then offers it to Ned and Lucky. I mean we just came out of the Desert man.
  17. I "literally" laughed "out loud" at that. "Seriously!!!!" "!"
  18. This time they don't even have to show up. It is a web based vote only.
  19. concussion discussion sounds like something from School House Rock.
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