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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Besides, I thought Millennials were anti-car anyway. I though all "you guys" preferred Uber and bikes and...stuff.
  2. Net covering the scoreboard was irritating. That's it. Probably worth the (hopefully) small cost and effort.
  3. This is exactly the kind of small minded thinking that is keeping us out of the SEC.
  4. So... What's on the master plan to replace the fouts area and buildings? Anyone know?
  5. I don't care about the banter w/UNT90. The beer though... ++1
  6. Everything I'm reading on this looks like a fantastic deal for UNT and a homerun for Smatresk. wow. How the heck did we pull this off?? One would have thunk - that other schools in Texas would have thrown much dinero at this project to get the deal. However, it would look odd to have say A&M or UT as the sponsor because the Cowboys need something local I'd guess. Local partner makes more sense. Small privates don't have that populist appeal either.
  7. Whoa, slow down there bro. He needs to pass his initiation and written exam first. Let's not put the cart before the horse, mkay??
  8. I don't know why all of this even matters. In 15 years all lawyers and most professions will be replaced with AI bots or fully capable droids anyway. Everyone should just prepare for universal income and our house-droids. Also soylent green. Sit back and enjoy.
  9. Embarrassing was the first thing I thought as well. You don't take on a project at this level without knowing behind the scenes that it has a VERY good chance of happening. This is on Jackson as far as I'm concerned. They should have waited until they had more money in the bag from donations IMO
  10. Brah... In this scene, up until recently we're like Martin Short's character when it comes to what we're used to getting out of the AD's web dev team.
  11. I think I may actually start reading meangreensports.com again.
  12. If NT football isn't conference champions by Monday, Johnny Jones gets canned.
  13. Strange, why not have the private session FIRST and then bring in the public after you've worked out the super duper top secret stuff?
  14. Stop trying to heal this deep wound to our souls. Having a chance to get missou here and turning it down? I don't care if it is a 100% fabricated story. This hurts.
  15. I do agree with you but I won't care two sh*ts if he never calls in as long as the positive results are there. I'd say I won't even care ONE sh*t.
  16. If you think Seth's "awful" site is bad. This one, this one... is unbelievably bad. Someone should be flogged. It loaded about 58,000 different images and basically never finished loading/ reloading/ jumping to different sections. WOW.
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