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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Dippin' dots and Waterless urinals. That's all I got.
  2. "Good things" sounds kind of arbitrary and vague. I was thinking about using attaboys.
  3. You guys are going to get me funny looks at work.
  4. Don't do it Shavod! Stick with UNT!!!
  5. I'm guessing Bill Utter Ford had a major role in this.
  6. I was a business major and never had this professor for a class but my wife was a biology major and had nothing but great things to say about Dr. Lott.
  7. Vincent: Yeah, but bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.
  8. Small children in Bangladesh were seen weeping.
  9. Can't argue with that. I removed the part about a winning season because I'll be happy with 6 wins and 6 competitive losses though for next season.
  11. WHAT THE SAM HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?!? He wasn't aware of this? Does he not talk to his freaking first string QB?
  12. "Our coaching staff's performance was the best it has been with the exceptions of offense, defense, special teams, recruiting, retention of players, communication with fans, game preparation, and in game adjustments"
  13. I've been thinking along those lines for a while now. We need that stadium to kick off to open the cash flow! Start it NOW!!
  15. Yes it is concerning that no news has come out yet. Not jumping to any conclusions, but it does make me a bit nervous. UNTFlyer, you did mention that the fee was supposed to be approved (or at least voted on by the BOR in this meeting) correct? Just trying to understand what your understanding of the situation is at this point.
  16. Here is some information from that meeting: BOR meeting - DRC Don't see any mention of fee approval, stadium, etc...
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