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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. agreed. build the new stadium, then make it an awesome game experience.
  2. I'm most worried about Riley thinking he can sprint around on the field and make something out of nothing Romo style. I hope he realizes he will be more valuable making accurate passes and avoiding sacks. He has competent RBs he can hand off to, let them take the beatings.
  3. I think that's all that needs to be said.
  4. We were so close to being in this same situation. In fact it scared the fiddlesticks out of me to think what would have happened had that vote failed. Thanks to so many who put their time and energy into making that vote a success. Of course thanks specifically to our very own UNTflyer.
  5. PORK!!! ...crossing the line?
  6. Following our "green" theme maybe we should roll in a Prius? or not.
  7. Wait, are we talking about woo-ing a high school coach or an experienced college coach? I'm confused.
  8. uh...oh... I think I know what you might be talking about...
  9. I DEMAND a refund for all of the money spent on landscaping by the university during the years 1995-1999!!!! I did NOT authorize it nor did I benefit directly from it.
  10. I take that to mean that if it does go to a vote but does not get 2/3 "for" vote but still passes then it is approved in Sept. If it fails in the vote, it still fails, period.
  11. http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/Hi...amp;Bill=HB2024 public hearing took place yesterday. Bill was left pending in committee, not sure if that is normal protocol or if there was a problem not progressing to the next stage. Maybe Flyer could explain.
  12. I never saw a view of the back of the pressbox, alumni side. Has anyone seen how that will look like? Did it look like the last model?
  13. or.. it could be a few months. or never.
  14. Ok well maybe I need to pay more attention then.
  15. I disagree. Yes he is fast but I DON'T WANT MY FRANCHISE QB RUNNING LIKE THAT IN GAMES. He will get his had taken off with some of those runs up the middle. I happen to agree with Fake Lonnie, this guy is not D1 size, period and would get beaten up. I do however think he has great quickness but I only want him using that to avoid the sacks, a-la Tony Romo style. I liked seeing some of his short pass accuracy but boy - I sure do tire of the 2 yard quick screens. I still didn't see the 10-15 yard medium range passes.. where are they? Did I miss them during this game? Do they exist?
  16. Yes I think lifer is right. Can't think of a better time.
  17. If this is more conference realignment speculation I think I'd rather slam my head into the freezer door for 5 minutes.
  18. very good question. I hope not... ...but I think it does replace it.
  19. I have to say - the stuff in the HOF folder is rather weak. I didn't even see the haiku thread! How can it be a HOF folder without the HAIKU thread!!! Or did I miss it?
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