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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Pourhouse was great as usual. I brought my daughter (she's 6) up to the game but got out a little late and had to wait 45 minutes for a table. We just ended up camping out across from the bar and that worked out well. It was quite a different experience to have ALL of the TVs on to the NT game and not some other random college or baseball game. I started realizing at some point into the second quarter... This place is packed and they are ALL watching the NT game. INCREDIBLE!
  2. I just have one thing to add to the post game talk. I was VERY PLEASED by watching Riley slide at the end of his runs. That will help keep him in games and shows he has a good head on his shoulders. Every time people said how tough Vizza was for taking the hits and dishing them out, I winced.
  3. In all seriousness. I do appreciate these recaps.
  4. we are not worthy! we are not worthy! we are not worthy! we are not worthy! we are not worthy! HOF material.
  5. I'm guessing he's thinking of breaking out the Holy Hand Grenade.
  6. I think the way he will show that leadership is most importantly by MAKING GOOD DECISIONS. Above all don't turn over the ball.
  7. purple passion! Oh sorry, wrong forum, I thought this was the "what was your first drink" thread.
  8. So he will likely play one season in the new Stadium. Wonder if that came in to the sales presentation done by Dodge...
  9. 97 and 03 is correct. Have to give props to the Dept. for following through on the site. Having an actual person assigned to blog has made all of the difference.
  10. Watching that video, I thought I was watching the ghost of Jamario Thomas. WOW...
  11. surely that is 25K fixed seats. I'd guess the capacity would be closer to 45K.
  12. I'm reporting some of you parents to CPS. Seriously, some of you are horrible caregivers. I mean, I've seen your kids doing drugs, cursing, running away from home? Get a handle on things guys!
  13. WHAT!?!? you mean NT'91 doesn't mean that a poster is 91 years old? Boy I was wondering why we had such an old fan base. Thanks for clearing that up
  14. This is positively shameful. How can you pick on a 73 year old? Are you like the young guy in the keystone light commercial assaulting the senior citizen with beer cans? Do you also love terrorists? Do you hate puppies? Shame on you sir.
  15. ... nevermind - it is at fouts - u don't need lawn chairs.
  16. Me and my family will be there. Looking forward to it!
  17. I'm picturing the place to resemble the room of the guy on the move "Seven" - sloth, with all of the hanging air fresheners. I would just advise them to NOT look in the box in the corner.
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