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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I was very impressed with Rusty Smith as a pure passer. Ignoring the fact that he could make a sandwich back there with the time we gave him, he had a couple of throws that I sat there, mouth open with amazement at the accuracy and touch on the passes.
  2. I didn't understand why the kick out of bounds put the ball at the 45. I thought last year it was at the 40. Did something change this year in the rule book?
  3. What the heck was scrappy doing on the student side that was firing up all of the fans over there? Some sort of a dance off with the owl mascot or something? If so then scrappy is getting weak. I remember the days when tough scrappy would think nothing of tackling an opposing team's mascot, putting it in a headlock or dishing out a smackdown. Jail time be damned. Whatever he was doing the whole student side was going nuts over it.
  4. I think that this year our fans have 78,000,000 reasons to be happy.
  5. I guess I'm waiting until the Top 25 list comes out. And I'm REALLY curious to see the Bottom 10 list as well.
  6. Nope. We don't think you are a douche.
  7. Agree with pretty much everything except the Riley to WR/backup QB comment. I'm not totally against doing that I'd just like to give RD the rest of the season to see how his turnover tendencies improve/worsen. Also would a new OC help with that via playcalling, keeping RD out of situations where he would be more likely to throw the pic? So let me ask this. Are you against Riley because of the turnovers or because you just don't think he can ever accurately throw the long ball? Or a combination of the long ball and injury prone-ness? Personally I have real concerns about him holding up over the long term. I think we can't afford to lose the continuity if every year you can expect him to be out 3-4 games due to some injury. To aggravate things, he's a running QB who puts himself in situations to get injured even more. I don't like the long term prospects, but I love his speed as a WR/DB. Call me a blasphemer I guess.
  8. Don't forget: - establish the running game - win the emotional battle - leave it all on the field - make the correct adjustments - eliminate penalties - win the battle of the fourth quarter - make sure to eat breakfast. You really can gain more weight during the day if you skip breakfast, very important.
  9. The fact that you guys take the time to produce this is outstanding. Really appreciate it and look forward to it.
  10. Give the kid a break. I mean, who HASN'T been involved in a bar brawl that includes a knife fight?
  11. If it is between any two Sun Belt teams, may I suggest the bronze pillow?
  12. Research smesearch. As Randy Gallloway says, WATCH THE DAMN GAMES! I think that some of the OOC wins speak for themselves. Ark State coming within 3 against # 13 Iowa? Yeah that didn't use to happen. MTSU knocking off Maryland 2 years in a row? nope.
  13. The Caw Caw is a time tested tradition. It has been around since 1995, maybe even earlier than that. Why do we want to kill our traditions? Next thing you know people will be telling me they've banned throwing tortillas on the field.
  14. Well I for one think our team should be focusing on tackling, scoring more points than the other team and keeping turnovers low. I also think we should strive to not let the other team score when they are in the red zone. Also a key. Sportsmanship and keeping one's "head in the game" will be critical keys to consider as well.
  15. English professor, Management guru, what CAN'T this guy do?
  16. Please allow myself to correct....myself. The mistake that RV allowed Todd Dodge to make.
  17. So effectively, Tasty... It will take us 4 years to correct the high school staff hiring mistake that Todd Dodge has basically already admitted by firing most of that staff? Wonderful.
  18. NT - 20 The blue horn-ed horses from smurfs-boro - 17
  19. Maybe we're not thinking outside the box here to cover all bases. Have we considered typhoons? I'm not ruling out earthquakes or plagues.
  20. Where is that projectile vomit icon when you need it?
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