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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Where were the elementary school students? Yet another failure of the public school system in America.
  2. I see no conflicts here. You just need to program the robots to play basketball. BAM! Problem solved.
  3. To answer the question the thread poses: "Hey man, far out- that is one groovy place. Can you dig it?"
  4. No +1 for RoboCop unless you make him MeanGreen_Robocop_2.0. I need to see green armor with helmet stickers buddy. Show me your photoshop skills and then I'll THINK about giving out the props.
  5. Well, how do you think the whole "Kids Korner" became a failure? Most of my kids were sick that day.
  6. I had heard that pearl jam was there - before my time at NT but - wow, what a great place that would have been to watch Pearl Jam.
  7. Confirmed today I will be there with 3 of our 4 kids. Dang, I'm playing catch up to T-Rock now! He doesn't have my secret weapon though... TWINS BABY!!!
  8. Good to see JJ promoting this himself. He doesn't have to, of course, but this is the way he can help elevate his recruiting. More butts in the seats = better recruits. He's just taking matters into his own hands now. And who better than him to deliver the message. Coming from RV it only goes so far. This is a true emotional appeal that I think could be quite effective. Oh and I'm going to be there for the game as well. This will make my second home game this year. Isn't easy for me with the kids and our current situation, but I WILL make this game.
  9. ¡vive de largo el pinzón falso nombrado Lonnie!
  10. Picture is not showing for me - can someone post what it said? Thanks
  11. Wait, we have a new offensive coordinator?
  12. JJ must get an extension. The entire fate of this university hangs in the balance. I don't think it's a stretch to say that if JJ does not get an extension, we should fire the entire AD staff, reassign the regents to janitorial positions at UNTD, Sell the athletic training facility to a 7-11 franchise and change the color of the seats in the Super pit back to orange. It is that important.
  13. Well that is strange. Scrappy's suit in 1951 was just a guy in a trench coat with a scrappy flag on a stick. Well we've come a long way, baby!
  14. Check out the dog on the field!!
  15. This is exactly why I am advocating bringing back the Xtreme Football League. What was so bad about it anyway? Better than arena football? check. Bringing in elements of WWE? check. Ridiculous Team names? check. What's not to like?
  16. I think you're missing the obvious choice: 11.
  17. You have to throw out he 1907-1909 seasons. The tuberculosis pandemic wiped out all the positional coaches. Not a fair comparison.
  18. I believe it when I see it. They have yet to pass their NCAA IQ test yet. They need to score a minimum of 117.
  19. I don't know why someone gave you a -1 on this but I brought you back to ground zero. I sure do hope that one of our remaining ships will be used on a DT, but I'm doubtful. A bit off topic but I was just thinking - we are close 7 months away from the start of the 2010 season. How powerful will it be to be sitting in the stands and seeing Fouts 2 standing up in the distance?? Will the stadium be that far along at that point? Wow, I just gave myself goosebumps.
  20. I think we'll need to wait 17 days on this. That's if we can sign the kid first.
  21. I fresh out of my +1's so I'll have to give you a virtual chest bump instead.
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