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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. What if "It's Wide Open!" really meant this:
  2. I believe it is still online - you need to have FiOS or some equivalent IP that provides access to it.
  3. Thanks Flyer, that was what I was looking for.
  4. The original point of this thread had nothing to do with the question of whether or not this will be paid for or not. I have no doubt that with the debt service and donations, etc. that the stadium will be paid for in full. The question here revolves around whether or not we will see any increase to the operating budget for the athletic department. There was some talk of a significant increase to the amount of money available to fund coaching salaries, specifically for football. Early on in this process certain people brought out the notion that we would see large increases to operating budget (in the millions) since only half of the new money coming in from student fees would be in the 6 million range. The thought was that say 3 million of that would go to pay the debt payments and around half of that would go to increasing the operating budget of the athletic department, a huge boost that would affect the quality of coaching staff that we could hire. Now I see that checkfacts is challenging that and I have not seen anything (still) that can argue that he is incorrect in that assumption. Maybe we will never know the answer but I was under the impression that some people had some information to argue against check facts. All I'm seeing right now is people are throwing checkfacts under the bus. I don't see any reason behind it. What am I missing? IF we just don't know then let's say - we just don't know. If that is the case then all we can say is that checkfacts is just speculating based on a hunch, and so are we.
  5. I'm almost expecting the AD to bring out a breifcase full of sticky notes that say "IOU" on them. If anyone has seen Dumb and Dumber you'll know what I mean.
  6. Ok, fine, so we have 11 million. That is an impressive amount. Now where is the other $28,000,000.00 ??
  7. I hear what you are saying, but you aren't presenting any new "Facts" that refute his claim. The best you can offer is what everyone else is offering - "We just don't know".
  8. Hmm. Interesting. So people are bashing this "check facts" guy but nobody is refuting the claim. So bottom line here is extremely discouraging at least in my estimation. We have more money but jack squat in terms of donations to cover the cost of the stadium. We will use the majority of the money to cover the debt on the structure leaving us very little to improve the overall budget. I don't see anyone outright disputing this and in fact Flyer - the guy who is probably closest to the situation is begrudgingly acknowledging some truth to the claims. Heartbreaking if true. Sounds like we will be "house poor" for some time. We had better hope that increases in ticket sales and MGC memberships will help us pay this debt off quicker.
  9. I know, I'm a horrible person for distracting from the conference sky is falling conversations. I was looking at the Trojan stadium and... well it's nice but the pressbox doesn't look as impressive as ours. Will we be the best in the belt after the new stadium is complete? I have to admit I haven't been to all *cough* any *cough* the other conference member's stadiums but ours on paper is pretty impressive. Thoughts?
  10. Kram did you see where the jumbo-tron was moved to? Is it rectangular now instead of a winged version? Thanks for the info.
  11. Explain this comment. People are pessimists for thinking we will likely end up in either a hacked up CUSA or Belt? You really think we could find our way into some watered down BIG 12? My issue with that is who is going to bat for us? Our interim president? Our AD? Do we have any political guns?
  12. As predicted by Flyer - the Jumbo-tron has been moved to the Athletic center side of the stadium.
  13. Will never happen because will block the inclusion of .
  14. are we ruling out Diabetes? Just sayin...
  15. Note to self: Self, please check any building you are entering to make sure it was not built by NTerock.
  16. Interesting thread. I will be really curious to see the opening day attendance. I will be even MORE interested to see the attendance at the last game of the year. That will indicate true progress.
  17. They really need this guy in the faculty list: Dr. Jack Becker He has been at just about every NT football game I've been to - home AND away. I've seen him (and spoke with him, he's a great guy) at Baylor (away) Texas Tech (away - including the win).
  18. hmm... hmm.. I'm picturing someone in the athletic department sitting in a basement cubicle wearing a Zorro mask and black cape. By the way, greetings from the third world city in America, Boston MA. It's wicked awesome up here. Using bottled water to brush my teeth.
  19. I really believe that this new stadium at NT will have a positive effect on all areas of the FB program. It may not be some miracle 200% increase in attendance or anything like that, it might be a gradual thing, but I think over time we will see incredible results. This is a game changer, IMO. No pun intended
  20. Never understood why this type of an event can't be scheduled on a weekend. You would get much bigger crowds.
  21. "Hey - is that a new stadium over there??"
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