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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. So, clarifying point - I thought I read the other day that the upper portion of the wing holds 5,900 seats, correct?
  2. Your question mark is exactly right. I'm not convinced of much until I see our game against troy.
  3. I +1'd you while on my iPad, during a love-in. Like, whoa...
  4. WE WANT DIPPIN DOTS! WE WANT DIPPIN DOTS! WE WANT DIPPIN DOTS! WE WANT DIPPIN DOTS! WE WANT DIPPIN DOTS! Sorry about that, my kids took over my account for a bit there. (or did they?)
  5. This is a marketing info issue I think. We need to hire a PR firm to study our target audience: Denton/Lewisville. Here is the set of poll questions: 1.) Do you enjoy sports? 2.) Do you enjoy college sports? 3.) Why do you hate UNT? 4.) Could you be bribed to like UNT? 5.) etc. ... Take their suggestions, then.. WINNING !
  6. Hmm. Use of the jumbotron.. You're on to something there Rick. We (the fans) just need a cue. Fastest way to do that = the jumbotron.
  7. Honestly. <fighting so hard to bite tongue> If cheerleaders are out there to just jump around and yell 265 different cheers that nobody in the stands cares about, someone please tell me. What is the point - exactly? If you're whole job is to fire up the fans and get them involved and you are failing at that 99.99% of the time, don't you ask yourself - self, this isn't working, how can we fix this??
  8. I hear ya. I'm just tired settling for "just ok". Sooooo tired. Tired of settling. I'm sorry but we deserve more. All of us deserve the best possible gameday atmosphere. Silver is right. We need more pageantry. Is isn't enough to just win games. I...(WE!!!) want more. Raise the bar on all of it. Is it a money issue? I don't know, maybe it is, but my gut is NO, we just need more organization, coordination and planning. I see other game days and I think, wow - amazing. I see ours and I see. well. minor league. Am I asking for too much? Well sorry. I want to win. EVERYTHING. Win in all areas. Sorry but I ain't settlin' any more.
  9. Wrong. The Athletic Director is the CEO of gameday. EVERYTHING related to gameday. - If there is a problem with lack of staffing in concessions, it is the AD's issue to deal with. - If there is a problem with security staff, it is the AD's issue to deal with - If there is a problem with gameday atmosphere, it is the AD's issue to deal with. - If there is a problem with referee's microphones (FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!), it is the AD's issue to deal with. Get the concept? I'm not saying the AD needs to write the cheers, but he is for darn sure responsibile for the train wreck that not having competent cheers has become. His job is to fix the problem. Make it happen. Work with the cheerleaders, janitors, I don't care who it is but his job is to make sure that happens because it enhances gameday and increases attendance. RV is the maestro of gameday and at right now, one section of his "staff" has issues. Facilitate a solution. What's that? Cheerleaders aren't paid? We shouldn't' hurt their feelings? - Yes, you are correct. That's why they need help from outside sources. Look if you have to call in the Aggie white shirt dudes for a consult, do it. ...No shame in that at all. That's what CEO's do. They hire outside consultants.
  10. We really need the ability to have an emergency stash of +1's. For like.. emergencies.
  11. Seconded. Do I hear a motion to vote?
  12. I think it works, but as FFRick and others have said ad-nauseum(with good reason), it needs a freaking ending. It just trails off. Sounds so silly at the end. I love it - just find a way to end it. We are all college grads... Is this really that challenging? Who is the maestro of game day events? That was a rhetorical question by the way.
  13. Is the Mean Green in a home game? Then it is a good game.
  14. It's a cranky Monday for me. Hopefully this was a fluke game for DT and he'll get back to slightly above mediocre.
  15. In the politically correct and conservative world of post-game head coach comments, I don't think you can possibly get any harsher than that. To be honest, I expected nothing less and I was hoping to hear that kind of criticism coming from coach Mac. I don't know what happened to DT during this game but that was some of the worst timing and QB skills I have ever seen in a D1 game.
  16. meh. expected more I guess. My kids kept telling me the announcer was annoying. He was.
  17. Not looking good but keeping fingers crossed.
  18. Good stuff Silver. I just think we underestimate the value of Scrappy with the kids that come to the games. All of my kids go bonkers when he comes by and making him more a part of the game day atmosphere would be a great thing. So maybe not a jetpack but we could get creative in many different ways. I love the way Scrappy is at the bball games, he needs to do more of that at the FB ones as well.
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