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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Aren't you guys the bear-kats? or was it rat-birds? I always get confused.
  2. please tell me this is a nickname.
  3. wait, are we talking about Southwest Texas State?
  4. These days, you never know...
  5. Livin in America.... hah! I FEEL GOOD! GOOD GOOD Y'ALL!
  6. Please tell me that is a nickname.
  7. Interesting, I also had a torn labrum about 10 years ago, to the point of having multiple dislocations due to instability in the joint. I had surgery and had a fantastic result with rehab. I guess your results may vary but everyone I've talked to who had some sort of labrum or shoulder surgery had a good result from it. You are correct however in that they did try some therapy first but my joint was just too far gone to have any benefit from strengthening the area. Sometimes you just have to repair the damage surgically. Dislocated it initially during a ridiculous fraternity game called broom ball. If you haven't heard of it it is like hockey with broomsticks, a rubber ball, and tennis shoes on an ice rink. Yeah, just as you are imagining, fun as hell but really, really dangerous and stupid. I wasn't the only injury that day.
  8. So, if he doesn't trust the current QB, what does that say about the backups? But here's where I'm confused, he (Mac) had no problem whatsoever putting in Osbourne last year at times. Why the reluctance this year??
  9. yup. wow really can't disagree with that one.
  10. I'm not dead yet! I'm feeling better! I think I'll go for a walk!
  11. Why do you hate fouts! I wouldn't be surprised if you were ok with firing Saint Dickey, too. Communist.
  12. Mean again? Not quite, here is where we currently stand on the meanness scale: MEAN, MAN! really really agitated fed up! we're here --> just about had enough eh, whatever - but I don't like it. don't really care really, I'm ok with it. whatever you say, I won't try to stop you. So we've got about three more levels to advance to in the meannness scale. But we are making progress! For reference's sake - the Mendoza defense were in the "really - I'm ok with it" meanness ranking.
  13. Sounds like they are in a great position. Time to bring in temporary aluminum bleachers! No way I'd let season ticket requestors go empty handed.
  14. wait, I'm confused I think. By attrition they are referring to hopefully losing 2,000 season ticket holders? Is that what I'm reading? Sounds absurd to hope for that.
  15. He said "with demand for more". If you are at capacity with 10,000 or more chanting "OPEN THE GATES" and scaling walls zombie style - you may need to think about expansion.
  16. For the record I gave you a +1 on this. I'm still not convinced. Are you familiar with the concept of inelastic demand? That's what UNT feels like. We were winning during the Dickey years - a lot, with wins over SMU, Baylor, Cincinnati (granted not top tier teams, but known names nonetheless). Didn't seem to cause a noticeable blip. Now before everyone gets up in arms about how we had large crowds and stormed the field - I'm with ya, I get it, I was there too. Still wasn't a major difference in my opinion in the size of the crowds. Enter Dodgeball. Large crowds at first, lots of losses, a fairly noticeable drop in attendance follows - but nothing like dropping off a cliff like 5K per game or something. We follow a VERY predictable pattern here. 1.) LARGE home crowds on opening day, near 25K. 2.) LARGE crowds for parent's day. I suspect that is because there are parents there? Thanks. I thought of that myself. 3.) LARGE homecoming crowds, around 22K or so. 4.) Next games follow predictably in this sequence over time 20K, then 19K, then 18K, then 17K then maybe as bad as 15K for final game (maybe it's cold?). 5.) Exception track is if we are winning in SunBelt (substitute CUSA if you like, add an additional 1-2K per). Add 2-3K to the sequence in #4. REPEAT THIS AD INFINITUM. Am I wrong on this? Too cynical? Jaded by crowds of 500 during early Big West days? Please tell me where I am off on this because I could predict this pattern for the next 15 years and not be that far off in my opinion. How do we break this cycle and expand our stadium. That's what I really want to know.
  17. I did not know that! That's like... A lot of students!
  18. You share my concerns over the gang presence. Wait, I'm not in the Houston thread?
  19. Let's revisit this conversation after next year. At that point if we are still averaging 22K, we have a problem.
  20. Now we're talking pageantry!
  21. easy expansion to 50K? I guess if you consider another 100 million "easy".
  22. I'm fine with it. Stoning halftime show should increase attendance.
  23. An add-on point for the UCF situation. Averaging 38K fans per game will allow you to very quickly fill in the erector set like beams with concrete pillars and add on additional brick to the exterior. It's almost like getting the capacity high right off the bat is the foot in the door which allows you the ability to finish it off later more easily. Question - does anybody remember what the quoted approximate cost was to fill in the bowl around the wingzone? I thought someone had that number a while back.
  24. The most intriguing number on there is UCF. To me, they are who we need to be emulating. I kind of wonder what people think of the argument that was made prior to Apogee being constructed that we needed to build to 40K seats. People poo-poo'd the UCF design and said erector set, etc. But look at what they are doing, averaging 38K fans per game now. Found this gem of an article: http://today.ucf.edu/ucf-football-taking-attendance/ back in 2001 they averaged 19,000! per game. Sound familiar? The change has been - admitted into CUSA and, new stadium in 2007. Their university is a bit bigger I believe they have 45K students, but still, very similar situation. The question is this. Did we build a nice, cozy, TOO SMALL stadium? Did the build it and they will come model work brilliantly for UCF? I'm starting to think UCF did it right and we.. well.. I'm not so sure anymore.
  25. Aluminum? Low weight + like, you don't have to paint it and stuff.
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