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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. The good news is that High School games are not being played anymore during Saturdays. From 2007-2010 we had at least one high school team on the field on Saturdays.
  2. Both coaches are talking nonsense. This is a great matchup from both the perspective of creating a challenge for the players and a great matchup for fans to watch. Contrary to these coaches coachspeak, we need tough matchups to prove ourselves. Get your teams ready to play and this isn't a problem.
  3. To me the most interesting parts are the 2 6'4" DE's and Sir Calvin. my skeptical questions: 1.) By 6'4" do they really mean 5'11.4534" ? 2.) By 245 lbs do they really mean 212 with 25 lbs of love handles? 3.) by 4.8 40 do they really mean timed by their best friends while riding on a moped downhill?
  4. next year is going to be reeeeeeaaaaaal interesting.
  5. Forgot one more "proven" solution for fringe and bandwagon fans to attend games: Tailgating improvements will bring in fringe fans! Fraternities close to the stadium are sure to increase attendance!!!?
  6. moving up to D1A will bring in more fans winning the sun belt conference 4 years in a row will bring in fringe fans winning a bowl game will bring in more fans hiring a known local high school coaching legend will bring in more fringe fans half price tickets will bring in more fans building a 79 milliion dollar stadium will bring in more fans Conference USA? known teams! local texas based-teams!!?? Mandatory tracking device implants on all UNT graduates? YES THIS IS IT!! THE CAN'T FAIL SOLUTION!!!
  7. So Mr. Dunham promised some facility upgrades to the pit, right? Any insider information on what or when that might happen?
  8. Yeah because, you know, we are so full to capacity on the Alumni side. We really should start turning away families with kids. Anywho - if you enjoy cussing and whatnot - nobody can really MAKE you quit I guess. So, enjoy!
  9. Look, I disagree with you. That being said, if you're going to do it, at least you're at the games. I'm not an old fart either, unless you think 37 is old. Bottom line is, you can say F'ity F'n - F all you want, I will bring earplugs for my kids I guess. Please continue to come to games. I love you man. Your filthy sailor mouth and all man. It's cool to disagree - I just better see your happy ass on the alumni side after you graduate or we gonna have problems.
  10. I'm Darrell Dickey, and I approve this message.
  11. Damn they have two songs I love - "Always the love songs" another great one!
  12. Great song here. I had no idea these guys were UNT alums!
  13. awesome awesome AWESOME! I've actually heard of this band! Can only be a positive for attendance for our last game which has historically been a big challenge.
  14. What exactly do you mean by "has everything that previous coaches did not have"? You referring to Apogee? What else?
  15. Listening to Coach Mac's post game comments, I detected some building frustration with his coaching staff that I don't recall hearing in prior post game shows. If I had to take a guess - methinks coach Chico may be in a very hot seat right about now. For two reasons: 1.) Not originally hired by Mac 2.) Offensive gameplan leaves me scratching my head at times. But what do I know - I'm just a dude on the web tubes.
  16. North Texas mention. Dunbar drops a pass. Good block on the prior passing play though.
  17. Was a great crowd for an exhibition and they weren't disappointed. Team and staff looked very much in sync and you can tell the team was prepared defensively. I'm going by my recollections of JJ's teams which sort of just stood around on defense trying to be in the right place without to my eyes a real gameplan on defense. I really liked Benford's post game comments because he wasn't happy with most aspects of the game. Shows me he is continually striving to improve. I'll concur with the shooting fears more than I will the rebounding (with the caveat that Coleman WILL be back). What I recall was more mid range jumper misses than about anything else. Raised my eyebrows, I'm going to chalk it up to 1st game jitters. I hope I'm right. The team looks to be adapting to Benford's style and that is a good sign.
  18. Not really disagreeing with you on this, but what is the basis of this assumption? I realize he was the Dcooridnator at Florida, has some reputation for being a "defensive guy" but here is the most important point to me: College football is ALL about recruiting. Without gains here, it is tough to justify that someone is a great DL guy. Until you show me DL recruiting improvement, I say this "reputation" of DMac as a great DL guy is unwarranted and just based on teams where he walked into already stacked decks talent wise.
  19. Amen brotha. Considering our ESPN game was on a tuesday, it makes the attendance on both sides of our stadium all the more impressive to me.
  20. Fantastically informative post Legend500. Appreciate the insight.
  21. whoa. not good. unless the student side is absolutely packed, that is a severe overstatement.
  22. So I keep hearing we are under our maximum scholarship allotment in football by I think 18 of our max of 85. I'd like to start a thread on this topic specifically for a few reasons: 1.) Why are we in this state? Can I blame this on Todd Dodge like everything else? That would be my preference. 2.) Are there many (any??) other D1A programs with that much of a shortfall? 3.) How much is this affecting our team? 4.) What will it take to bring that number back up to the max? Maybe I'm just being simple minded, but it seems like you just go out and bring in 18 more that normal in a year and fix the problem. I'm sure it's not that simple, so what makes this a challenge? Thanks I'll hang up and listen.
  23. For my first post after the MTSU game, I'll put my agreement behind this post. I feel as though this recruiting season may be the most important of Macs time here. Lets get some playmakers!!!
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