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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. agree on this. Do other schools ban media members at closed practices? I really have no idea.
  2. Pretty sure the Benford saga qualifies as a more recent meltdown.
  3. blah blah stats, etc.. I don't buy it, but I hope you're right. Now back to the defense.
  4. Hmmm silence from our insider. Was he "taken care of"?
  5. pfft. And I was lambasted for improper use of haiku. I'd like to see the pertinent section of GMG rule-book governing proper usage of poetry. This is rampant over-extension. I DEMAND A HEARING!!
  6. Here's the problem I have with the "receivers were not getting open" theory. Did you "watch the damn games" as Randy Galloway likes to day? I saw lots of receivers open LOTS of the time. What I did not see was the ball getting to said open receivers. The next excuse might be: "but! but! Thompson was under intense pressure!! Receivers ran the wrong routes!". Let me say to that I don't buy that excuse either. DAMNIT! HOW DID WE GET BACK ON THE QB DEBATE!
  7. I'm taking our hyperventilating overreactions a different direction. We've been talking a lot about the offense and quarterbacks, which in my opinion at this point is just status quo. So be it. What seems to be the most improved part of the DL according to our insiders? You know, the ninja that infiltrated the steel practice curtain? From everything I've seen and heard in recent recruiting, etc. - it seems like the secondary should be most improved. If that is the case? Then we have a chance to win some games if our line can just be "ok" or "decent".
  8. Of course I could be wrong about the extension. We don't have a crystal ball. Only a crystal ball .gif. My point was just - where's the beef? Mac claimed he was a defensive guru and, to paraphrase: "look at the awesome-ness of this Florida defensive line, some of the best in the country! It has my stamp all over it!!" Why haven't we had that recruiting bump on the DL he talked about? I've seen it in some other areas but not the one area where he claims to be best at. Strange, isn't it?
  9. Yes, what's your point? Where have the defensive line stars we were hoping to see been? Isn't 3 years enough to bring in some talent?
  10. Agree with this but the relationship fans have with RV is a love/hate kind of a thing. One one hand, RV is to be sainted for the increase in facilities, tailgating, some other areas of improvement. I disagree with those to say that those things were basic and any competent AD would be able to handle them. They were in pathetic shape pre RV and took miracles in some cases to get these things done. The problem most have is the fact that RV (as you correctly stated) is starting to get fed up with the NT90's (sorry bro) and FFRs (again, love you bro, hah!) that keep pushing for even greater levels of success and who have a problem with recent hires and the apparent lack of passion on keeping fans engaged. My point is that RV should be able to (my observations here, again) shrug off these barbs and insults being thrown in his direction and keep the ship on track. I tend to agree that this season is CRITICAL to RV's legacy. I am starting to see an complacency that is NOT GOOD for this program that is infecting all of the athletic department, not just those at the top. When this starts to happen it is time for a change. Could the university administration screw up a new AD hire? Sure, but at this point I think we need to take that chance. I will withhold my judgement for one more year to evaluate success or failure on the field(s).
  11. Well, don't really disagree with you on this one. I fear that coach Mac may have already sealed his fate (no contract extension) with the following : Lack of recruiting competent Defensive Tackles. It will be sadly ironic, too given that was supposedly his strong point. What happened here? I'd love to hook Coach up to some truth serum to see why we weren't able to have success here over the last couple of years. Would he say it was his fault? Would he blame NT and just say it was impossible no matter what he did?
  12. *sigh* - not much to add really to this. If the Athletic Director doesn't care enough to make this an exciting event, why should the fans show up? Proof is in the attendance, sorry.
  13. Hmmm - reminds me of another coach with an affinity for diet cola. He did ok in his position here at NT in my opinion. I'm cool with the following: 1.) Coaches with conservative gameplans that win by running over other teams with huge lineman and great defenses. 2.) Coaches with hardly any running game that throw the ball all over the field and outscore you by more than 20 points. 3.) Coaches who are hard to read, give vague answers to gameplan and gameday starts and who seem middle of the road. 4.) Winning. I am not ok with very few strategies to gameplay. I am NOT ok with one thing. 1.) LOSING.
  14. I need to see an all time NT husband and father stat sheet before I make my decision.
  15. He doesn't sound like someone ready to start on day one. That's just my personal opinion, of course. I'm a pretty smart guy though. My avatar says so, so it must be true.
  16. Unless your source is the sensor implanted in Coach Mac's brain, I question this.
  17. http://www.meangreensports.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/081613aaa.html Not sure if posted yet, but - new interview out there.
  18. I'm kind of torn on my opinion on this. I think the logo is fine, not really my thing but it is neat as a nostalgia item. What I don't want to see is 50 different green shades in the stadium and people going - WTF is that? and being confused as to our brand. Bottom line for me though is fans in the stands is 100% the goal. If you want to print a some Justin Beber MC hammer pants with the worm in the crotch area - go for it. But I want to see your happy azz in the stands on gameday.
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