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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. You're nuts. I see UTSA car decals daily here in Keller. I predict that section will be maybe 4/5 full.
  2. It's basically an elementary school cheer squad top ten. How they continue to use it is beyond me. I'm embarrassed for them. Guys (speaking to whomever is "in charge" of this kind of thing) if you keep doing this and nobody is joining in say... 99.99% of the time - that is a failed cheer. Drop it and try something new. That IS basic common sense right??? Can't believe I'm explaining this further but - it annoys me so... Again - to the powers that be - you guys CAN see the difference between the one and only cheer that works and like - everything else right? Cheer that works - "NORTH" -- "TEXAS" Cheers that don't work... everything else. Got it?
  3. "– The QB rotation will be determined by what UNT needs to do to win." Translation: If NT is up by 3 touchdowns or more - DW will play some mopup for experience, just like other big programs do.
  4. Good info. Didn't realize we had that much contribution from newcomers.
  5. Done with the throwbacks. Great look for one game, now lets focus on our identity going forward. I like the interlocking NT personally. My parents both sort of chuckled at the flying worm incidentally. I had to explain to them what the heck it was. They are both A&M and TTech grads, for what it's worth.
  6. There were two plays that had me concerned in the Idaho game. 1.) The breakaway run where their back blew past the linebackers and no secondary was there to help 2.) The wide open catch by their receiver where our defender looked lost. I'm going to hope that those were just 1st game jitters and that won't happen again. I'm not very confident that is the case however. Call me worried about Ohio...
  7. Rumors he's been terrible in practice? THE HORRORS!! I say bring out the guillotine. AND HE'S PARTIED!?!?!? In the OFFSEASON no less!?!?!?
  8. Hmm. You're saying they would swoop down - kind of like an Eagle?
  9. No, he only gets what all of the schools in the NCAA agree on - say $100 per month. Ok I"m feeling generous - make it $250 per month. I'm proposing the stipend as a way to curtail the autograph signing need, etc. Will it stop that kind of behavior, probably not. My position still stands. I'm looking to give EVERYONE (players) a infinitesimally piece of the NCAA FB pie.
  10. That "grateful" position is just how "the man" wants you to think. I'm through with the man. I'm for the people critical to generating the real money. So you say the backup didn't do anything? Not true, if johnny gets hurt, he'll be paid. Do they not pay backups in the NFL? Of course they do. I'm not advocating you pay them on a scale relative to their actual revenue generation potential. Yes, I know, this sounds more like communism - everyone gets paid the same $100 a month (or something like that). I agree that is in conflict with my original point to some degree. I just argue paying everyone something cuts down on the shenanigans to some degree. Or maybe not. I still believe it should be done for fairness sake.
  11. No, like - a stipend for earning his university over 38 million dollars. THAT kind of stipend. So they can't throw him a bone of a benjamin franklin note once a month? That's going to break these institutions? I just feel the tuition/books/board "you should be grateful" position is indefensible.
  12. Not that I'm trying to sell a product here - but I'd highly recommend Frogg Toggs chilly pad cooling towel. I swear by these things and use them when I mow in the summer or go on a ridiculously hot campout with my sons Boy Scout troop. They are about 15$ retail and will keep you nice and cool during these crazy hot days. You can probably even find a lime green version. : http://www.amazon.com/Frogg-Togg-Chilly-Pad-Blue/dp/B003YF7W22 edit: hah! yes, there IS a lime green version! - there, I just eliminated the heat excuse.
  13. ya, if we could get a real PDF version that would be great. paging Mr. Vito... paging Mr. Vito...
  14. Based on what? Your misplaced disdain? Don't think so. I'm not a huge (notice I said not huge, I didn't say not at all. I have alum relatives here) A&M fan but I'm rooting for this guy. Sorry if its not the prevailing opinion on GMG. Put me in the camp that thinks all CFB players should be getting a reasonable stipend. I realize that whatever he may or may not have been paid, let's say it is 30 grand, obviously that is not what folks would consider a "reasonable stipend". I don't care. Sticking it to the NCAA in this sense is something I'm ok with. Does my stance benefit UNT's place in NCAA pecking order right now? Maybe not, but that's ok - I still believe a stipend could be reasonably managed to a point where even the little guys could find a way to afford it.
  15. WHAT? And you call that place Merry-land??
  16. Hmm. That's a pretty nifty deal. They should advertise that more on MGS!
  18. Impressive. First class all the way. Side note - Brandin Byrd has a future in broadcasting. Golden tones...
  19. To answer your first question - yes, sometimes it is better than open conversation, because IMO it reduces the noise on here. If I don't like one of your or someone else's posts I'll just -1 you and move along. It leaves more room for complaining about helmets on hats and other such groundbreaking discussions. I'll also say it gives me and I'll say probably others a way to scan through topics to find the great nuggets of comments and humor. I'd say that for the most part it does a good job of sorting that good from bad out as well.
  20. It may be a farce, but don't lie - you're kind of glad Johnny gets to play right?
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