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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Yep ok, just a question. I'm about where you are on the matter. I will determine my love/hate for you topic by topic.
  2. I never understood why we don't play "deep in the heart of Texas". The rangers play it. Do people criticize them for copying UT? Does UT own the exclusive rights to the song? I think it is a big crowd favorite and everyone know the lyrics (or u put them on the jumbo). Cotton eyed joe, etc. We need to play up our state of Texas connection more, just my opinion, not sure what others think about that.
  3. Let me ask you this question because I don't remember your opinion on the subject back in the day - were you for the McCarney hire or did you have someone else in mind back before the hire was made?
  4. Love it. Great job, great effort. Two thumbs up. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.
  5. We get into these discussions about how a coach likes this or that strategy, whether or not he likes to play freshman, or experienced seniors, doesn't matter to me. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I had no problem with Todd Dodge's football plan, or Coach Mac's. I have a problem with losing. Throw it on every down if that gets you a win. Run it on every down if that gets you a win. It's all fine, until the losses accumulate.
  6. Frustration like this coming from Mac is a bad omen. Coach Mac seems to me to be a pretty hard-core dude that doesn't suffer fools and doesn't like to complain. So what is the point of this preaching to the choir?
  7. Time for Mac to earn his pay and go get a JC DT, 3 star minimum talent based on his reputation as a "defensive line specialist". In fact, he should be working on that RIGHT NOW. Scratch that. He should have been working on in for the past 6 months.
  8. Great Idea. Please PM me and I will double check your inquiry. Can't be too sure. Someone should probably fact check my inquiry as well after I'm 100% sure I'm correct.
  9. There is not enough facepalm in the known universe.
  10. It's like my relationship with UNT and Mr. RV. Love/Hate.
  11. Yay, more ideas that make sense but that the coaching staff will refuse to entertain.
  12. But.. wait.. Throwing the ball early in the game - Involves risk right!?!? What if we THROW AN INTERCEPTION!?!?
  13. Hmm, where have I seen a season with "tough close losses" and bad playcalling/time management at crucial times in close games? Oh yeah! Todd Dodge's "so close to winning" seasons. So close to winning = losing. Look it up.
  14. They must have some hustband/father issues going on at Tulane. Feel for them. Todd's the right choice.
  15. Yeah, just.. wow. How does one, how did his... Really so this isn't a... It just can't be, like... real..
  16. Forgive my memory lapse.. What was the opposite of winning again?
  17. One day soon, with much patience and meditation, and a dash of divine intervention... I hope to match your humbling humbleness.
  18. I'm guessing it was done in good fun. Nothing like a mandate. More like a good natured ribbing?
  19. Don't agree that a 24 point loss is the same as a 14 point loss. Playing keep away doesn't tell your team that you know they are going to lose. It is simply a different game plan to keep it close until the end of the game and then go for it. We all saw the hype that was generated, I think a 24 point loss is just more demoralizing to the team and fans. I'm right and you're wrong. IN YO FACE! Oh I forgot to add.
  20. Dear Debbie Downer, I realize that a "near win" needs to be in the context of a winning season to go along with it. So you are ok with the 24 point give up at the end of the game then in the interest of "going for it"? P.S. Who ever said anything about 4 star recruits anyway? Let's shoot for getting more 3 stars that can actually contribute. #realisticprogress?
  21. If this happens I will break something in the house with an estimated retail value of $10-15. Mark it down.
  22. Damn. I understand the goal of being aggressive and playing to win and all.. but.. I just wish we would have gone into Extreme Darrell Dickeytm mode and just sat on the ball for the rest of the 4th quarter and just basically ran the ball along with short passes to tight ends to milk the clock. Played the field position and stout defense to limit the points run Georgia went on. To me it is kind of like when a basketball team goes on a 12-0 run. You call the time out and kill the momentum. This is all a perception game with recruits and media. If someone dials in and sees 34-21, they go "WOW look at that, UNT is the real deal now, they played #9 Georgia to within THIRTEEN POINTS". Instead we get "ehh, they got blown out at the end". My opinion is you want that headline on Sportscenter to be more dramatic. But, hey - go for the win and all. More power to ya I guess.
  23. Replacement for scrappy on halloween?
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