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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. two massively attended games games in a row with wins "traps" more fans at Apogee for the long run. That's the kind of trap we can all agree on.
  2. Hmm. they care less than ULM? I don't think so.
  3. This is great! People know these two schools, and it will bring some more fans who probably wouldn't show up for ULM or FAU or whomever.
  4. If it is the pick I'm remembering, it was tipped by a defender. Not a great thing obviously but not like he threw it right into the defenders hands. I'm done complaining about Derek at this point. He's come way too far and improved enough to where I'll just say I'm cautiously optimistic about his progress and leave it at that. I'm more worried that Dajon's injury will leave him without necessary in game experience for the start of next year. I'm hoping his injury (do we know what it was, officially?) will resolve itself in time for the last of the season so he can play in some mop up time.
  5. no problem, will have my ear plugs ready.
  6. how many did we have for Houston? was it 28K?
  7. Nonsense! We must debate things we cannot change so that we can be 100% sure that we may or may not be able to probably NOT CHANGE THEM!
  8. So... the attendance at the halloween game was obviously great and all, but my question is how much of that was because the game was during a weekday? I hate to sound negative on this, but will we have a drop off on weekend games for the rest of this season? Will we have the same or better attendance? I'm pretty sure that the Alumni side will be better on weekends but the students are an enigma. How much of that was the coolness factor of dressing up for halloween, the fact that it was an "event" or all of the above? It was just way too cool to have that densely packed side blowing us away with the North Texas cheer. I'm worried we won't see that again for some time. meanergreener, please reassure me with your youthful over-optimism. Please reassure me with predictions of a 29,000 fan near sellout. I know it won't happen, but when you say it I almost believe it.
  9. Fouts was just a wet blanket on everything. Gawd it was awful. I mean. Depressingly awful. Any students who didn't have to experience it, consider yourself very lucky. Older Alums may poop on this opinion however.
  10. That's actually a great question. Hmmm. Don't think it was as good as it is now, that's just my opinion. I'd say mostly because of the SBC and lack of local teams. Beating Rice means something in Texas. So will beating the rest of the Texas teams. Fouts did drag down the rest of the opinions as well.
  11. Forgot I was going to post this last weekend. I was at the new Dick's sporting goods in the Heritage area of Keller - and I was shopping with the family and wandered over to the shirts section or what I typically call: "UT and TAMU love fest section with absurd amounts of those schools with some TCU and Tech sprinkled in" And what do my eyes witness!?!?!? wait for it... wait for it.. AN OASIS OF MEAN GREEN GEAR ON THE FREAKING END CAP SECTION BEFORE YOU GET TO THE OTHER STUFF!! Yes I am not making this up I took a picture with my computer-phone.... awesome!
  12. whoa. Conference championship a possibility AT apogee!?!?
  13. Wasn't great. Needed more candy. Like, lots more candy.
  14. Jeesh. Didn't expect this thread I go so long. I will take my lumps and take a 4 hour upper level man course with professor UNT90.
  15. again, I'm just comparing to the levels at Cowboys stadium etc. Maybe I should have put this to a vote.
  16. I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but the... speakers.... in... apogee... ARE TOO DAMN LOUD!! Am I the only one who noticed this!?!? I've been to Jerryworld, TTech, UT-Austin stadiums, etc. NONE OF THEM ARE THAT DAMN LOUD! Honestly, between that and the ref mics.. . just... please get it fixed.
  17. the interview was actually quite good. Voice aside, I thought the questions asked and the positivity towards our program were fantastic.
  18. no seriously - what's this guy's story??
  19. at first I thought this was a bit. is this guy Scott for real?? chain smoke much?
  20. Haven't seen any talk of recruits at the game. Anyone aware of any? Man if they were there I would think we just added some signees to our list.
  21. The sound in the stadium now is so electric. I can't remember a time in fouts where I got goosebumps because of the sound in there. Whoever designed apogee did a great job of keeping all of the sound in. At fouts we tried to be loud, but the sound mostly dissipated.
  22. I agree. The key to that sort of thing is sustained winning seasons. Each winning season locks in a group of new alums that will stay through thick and thin. Those add to the "die hard" set of around 12,000 alumni fans that are almost always there on the alumni side. If we can just keep what we have there and add to it little by little, we will hit our sellout goals. It is a long term plan but we are definitely on the right track now!
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