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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I think you earned the polar bear badge. Great job sir.
  2. Bring a Nalgene water bottle and fill it up with really hot water. Instant radiator in your sleeping bag. Either that or spoon with some dude. I'd pick the Nalgene personally.
  3. I think we need to post some important information on the MG official site: - In cold weather it is important to wear warm clothing. Two helpful items include a "coat" and "long pants" or even better under layers made of a warm synthetic or animal based. I personally recommend anything made with goose down or for an effective underlayer - merino wool if you really want to stay toasty in your seats at. These are pricy however, and there are cheaper synthetic materials that are adequate as well. - In rain, one only needs to wear something sometimes referred to as a "waterproof jacket" or "rain parka". Some also like to wear rain proof foot wear as well. These can be very beneficial at keep rain off one's feet. This would be very helpful to our fanbase who at times seems to struggle with understanding these two precautions. This is how I choose to understand the lack of attendance in either cold or rainy conditions. Since you have all read this, there is no longer any excuse for not attending this game based on weather. Humans have known for centuries how to keep warm and dry in adverse conditions such as those we may be facing this Saturday.
  4. Clucky Chicken: [ popping into the front of the screen ] That's me! [ flies up to a table flled with kids and their Dad ] Dad: Hey, Clucky - why's the Cluckin' Chicken so chick-a-licious? Clucky Chicken: Everybody knows why. It's 'cause I'm flame-broiled! Yow-zee-yow-dow! But that's not all - I'm cooked fresh! First my head's cut off! [ the cook chops Clucky's head off and send it flying through the restaurant ] Heads up! [ Clucky's head appears before another chicken being gutted ] Then I'm plucked and gutted - my intestines are pulled out. Trust me, you don't want 'em! Whee! Look at me! I'm gettin' quartered and split breasts, wings, the whole nine yards! Chopitty, chop! Then the pieces of me get flame-broiled. Hear that sizzle? That's me! 550 degrees! Good thing I'm dead, or yow-wee! Then I'm seasoned just right, and ready to go! [ takes a bite of a piece of chicken ] Hey, I'm good! Finally, I'm served to you, so you can chew me, swallow me, and convert me into waste matter. [ peers into the toilet ] Ga-ga-ga-gooey! [ returns to the kids and their Dad ] Hey, kids, how's the meat? Kids: [ chewing ferociously ] You taste great, Clucky! Clucky Chicken: [ head spinning around the restaurant ] Holy fanoley! The oxygen's leaving my brain! Dad; Any last words, Clucky? Clucky Chicken: You betcha! [ singing ] "If you want a place for the greatest chicken, take it from my head, it's easy pickin', 'cause.." Jingle: "Something's always cookin' at the Cluckin' Chicken!" Clucky Chicken: Being dead never tasted so go-nobbity good!
  5. would the helmet sticker be in the shape of a motorcycle helmet?
  6. wow. Stick it Colorado State. Payback for that 1st New Orleans bowl. Okay not really equivalent but great to beat them in something
  7. Best takeaway thus far from the Mac era is the wins at home. Absolutely huge for attendance and recruiting. Now about the second part - recruiting. Will be very interesting to see how that goes this year. Crucial year to take advantage of the success on the field. Pretty quiet on that front as far as I can tell.
  8. It's like a mobile site.. except for - it isn't. mobile.
  9. scrappy crowd surfing = new mean green tradition!
  10. UNT90 is president of the national pro-UTSA defamation league. Charter member.
  11. Like I've said before, every generation of mean green fans needs a UNTflyer. This generation's is meangreener. Bravo sir. I didn't really understand why on the earlier thread I said "good job" you thought I was joking or not serious. I have no ill will towards you sir and wish you the best of luck.
  12. showed it to 3 of my kids age 10,10,12 and they all broke out into hysterical laughter. Personally I don't think it is awful, just really bad. I like the body better but just not the head (eyes really).
  13. Beating up people he finds doing the claw incorrectly? Being manly? just guesses.
  14. hopefully he found that other shoe. poor guy walking around with one shoe all the time.
  15. Wow this post is so correct, puts everything into words I was thinking on Dan's comments.
  16. I just think it is so cool that not only do we HAVE an unbelievable club section, but that it is almost always full. I came from years of living with fouts... where the "club" sections was a double wide trailer.
  17. Now THAT sounds like a TWO REAL MEN! ...unless of course soon after that thought you remembered to pick up your knitting supplies down the street at michaels.
  18. where's that internet bro fist bump gif when you need it!?!?
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