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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Thanks I figured that much. Was wondering if there was more info to that. Number of donors, amount of contributions, etc.
  2. This mentions "Due to generous donations from North Texas alumni". Wonder what that means?
  3. Most fun I've had in any season I've ever witnessed (since 1995). Love the matchups with texas teams and LaTech/USM. Awesome all the way around. AND WE AIN'T EVEN DONE YET!
  4. If they bring 2,500 - so be it. This is UNT's party. We need to make it our house, and we will.
  5. Going to be there, no question. Haven't bought yet but will be shortly. This will be my first NT bowl. Wasn't able to make any of the New Orleans bowls so super pumped for this one!!!
  6. This is a big perception positive when you look at the apogee complex in sum total. Bringing recruits to a "complex" with this facility added to it increases the wow factor.
  7. wow that's great if that is indeed the case. wasn't expecting it to be that soon.
  8. This is interesting because as it turns out, as of last week I already have tickets for most of my family to the Armed Forces bowl. My father-in-law is a Naval Academy grad and was planning on going and already bought tickets for all of us. So, it could work out if NT gets in the HoD that I end up attending both.
  9. any idea on when a realistic start of construction would be given what's left to finalize? 2015 maybe?
  10. fantastic. Will only enhance the experience and I believe turbocharge attendance.
  11. I find it strange and probably a bit unfair that we protect the quarterback on low hits below the knees (romo) but on a play that to me looked like a dive at the knees on dunbar produces no penalty.
  12. Interesting. Might try to make this.
  13. Soooo close to the frosty! Come on!!!
  14. Swarming defensive is impressive at this point. Granted, the opponent, but still.
  15. I'm expecting a free frosty. Tony Denton are you listening?
  16. My home debut as well. Jumbotron and new sound system is fantastic.
  17. I think it'd be nice to have the given name Max Martial Arts. However, you'd constantly be expected to kick major ass. What if you weren't into physical conflict? Maybe it wouldn't be so great after all. - Jack Handy
  18. I noticed that the UTSA guys instead of just standing around waiting on the sidelines in between timeouts they were jumping around getting all hyped up for the play. I saw our guys.. well.. not doing anything like that. Just standing around. Huge difference in energy levels for this game. I don't know if it was just me but I saw a couple guys on their offensive line that were just huge - man beasts. I distinctly remember thinking - holy crap that dude is massive. We're going to have a hard time with these guys.
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