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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. This photo is mind blowing when you consider what size crowds we're used to!
  2. Damn, I thought I was the only moron who forgot sunscreen for my face or a hat. Best mean green event I've ever been to in 19 years and it isn't even close. Was like one massive two day long party.
  3. Victory beard in effect. Please join me gentleman. No shaving order.
  4. I was there and my estimate would be about what FFR said. 25k would be generous BIS.
  5. We really won't know how many were sold until we are sitting in our seats at the Cotton bowl. I'm sure of it.
  6. Will call information update: Called the tix office at UNT and was told by...RV the following: Three options: - Pick up will call at UNT tix office on campus - Pick up at Omni hotel - Pick up at gate J at Cotton Bowl on game day. The first two options are obviously time constrained but I don't remember when those options aren't available anymore. Call for more details if that wasn't enough. Just wanted to get the general info on this option out.
  7. I guess I was considering jucos. Who would be better from the juco side?
  8. Good to hear about the connection, I read this story in the print version of the North Texan.
  9. Monday happy hour sounds fun. Wife and I will plan on going to that.
  10. Would he be considered out best transfer - ever? In my limited historical knowledge I'd say yes.
  11. Did anyone pick the will call option? That WAS a valid option I chose on ticketmaster, right?
  12. Yes. Watauga is an older city with some (in my opinion) aging housing and not-so-great business areas. If you are looking for a home I'd look farther down 377 toward Keller. Newer neighborhoods and closer access to Southlake. And closer to your favorite college team.
  13. pathetic. I'd expect these kinds of numbers from teams who are headed to Hawaii. This isn't Hawaii. Maybe we should trick them into thinking this is actually a basketball game?
  14. Maybe we should just buy an industrial size paint sprayer and coat everyone entering the stadium with green paint. Problem solved. We would of course provide wet-wipes to remove paint from the faces. Or not.
  15. A couple things on the top of my mind: - I saw a commercial for the HOD bowl produced by UNT on the Ch. 8 newscast at 6pm last night. If that's not marketing, I don't know what else would be. - Let's not underestimate the power of procrastination. MANY of us will be waiting until the week of or maybe even day of so it will be difficult to judge attendance until maybe as far out as game day - I waited until today and I'm a pretty die hard season ticket holder fan so it won't surprise me at all if we start to build ticket number momentum this week or even next.
  16. I'm all set - hotel + 2 tickets to HOD! WORD!
  17. Affulenza is misdiagnosed these days. Don't make light of this epidemic.
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