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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. The start of what? Warranted restraint? 4th graders getting a concussion playing tackle football is criminal. This is a very reasonable modification to the system. Teach other parts of the game like strategy and technique. You can always spear each other with your heads in 8th grade if so desired.
  2. Was it a run to get there? I bet he ran. He's fond of running.
  3. I'd be ecstatic if we brought a 2013 NT vs. Georgia type performance where we were tied well into the 3rd quarter. Still a bit in shock over that. Problem is that UT will not do ANYTHING risky. They will play to their biggest advantages 100% and that will be in size of the lines and depth. They will most likely play very conservatively and just run it for an average 5 yards a carry to dominate time of possession. They will throw it every once in a while to tight ends to keep us guessing if they feel like it. The won't need to nor will they care to win by 50. They just treat these like practices and they aren't like a Miami (FL) that will just throw it for 50 yards at a time and try to beat you by 100 points. This is like the hunger games. We live in the districts. They (UT) politely clap hands and condescendingly chuckle at the next "competitor from one of the districts (non-BCS league)" . May the odds be ever in our favor.
  4. Maybe we should just eliminate human referees altogether and instead adopt a continuous booth review. Teams would be required to provide 3 human cameramen(persons) and 4 automated drones with cameras to provide field level views of all plays. The replay booth will consist of 8 reviewers with large HD monitors and a direct connection to the scoreboard. The single "gameplay supervisor" human will be there to reset the ball on downs and generally coordinate gameplay but not call fouls. Any infraction will be required to be documented via a live video capture playback on the jumbotron. Teams can have 2 challenges that will then automatically send a recorded feed of the infraction and all angles to the NPCC (National Professional Collegiate Corporation) and salaried professional review will provide a review within a mandatory 5 minute time frame.
  5. Wow congratulations. My twins are 11 years old now. You'll be just fine.
  6. I knew it would come to this. Just know that his one eye has x-ray and infrared vision. More than makes up for the lack of numbers.
  7. If Jamario doesn't injure his hamstring vs. Baylor in waco - we win that game easily. DAMN YOU HAMSTRING!!!
  8. SMU is laughing hysterically now. "You mean all we had to do was to wait to start paying players until 2017 when the unions took over???"
  9. Tulane will be an excellent opponent when we are both in the Amateur college league in 2017.
  10. Anyone who attended most of the games during this season gets instant GMG.com cred from me. I'll say it again I truly believed there was no way that the NT football program would survive more than 3-4 years after that season.
  11. Ah. the Alumni pavillion. It may look like a jiffy lube.. but it's OUR jiffy lube hangout.
  12. Meh. I can think of much higher priorities. In fact I would rate this about a 5 on the priority scale. 10 is highest.
  13. That's a big commitment! I thought we could just hangout and eat some food and drink some beers?
  14. I know where you're coming from Non-Fictional-Finch. I have 4 kids in keller ISD and. well. It's just too much to post on an internet tube but let's suffice to say I've been considering this route as well. It is 100% impossible in my situation but nonetheless, I've (we've) considered it. The only saving grace is the GT programme and AP classes. And Khan academy. Khan academy is awesome.
  15. So only three months? Was he subbed out?
  16. I agree that there are some common sense things that can be done like stipends, covering all medical costs, REASONABLE stipends, etc. Where this will go off of the rails is when it becomes like a free agent market. Heck I even agree that players should get some sort of percentage of gear sales the univ. is collecting. They shouldn't be scrounging for money on weekends to go have a nice dinner and go out and do something fun. That is ridiculous, I agree with that. Who the hell knows what reasonable is?? This is going to be a monumental set of court battles. It is quite obvious the Big5 will use this to further separate and create a new division. To some degree however I'd argue that the divisions in program payouts are already there with what can be promised with after graduation jobs, pay anyway.
  17. Do they not require water sprinkler systems in these? Obviously this wasn't yet completed but I'm just asking a general question. Would make sense to require these to have sprinkler systems installed given so many stories and such a large structure.
  18. my family loves this show - great fun to watch. Gives us another reason to follow.
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