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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I think free wifi in games would be a nice bonus. Granted, I don't know how much it might cost. Ok, fine, make it free for MGC members. Oh and broadcast that fact at every game "FREE WIFI FOR MEAN GREEN CLUB MEMBERS !"
  2. Winning these kinds of battles is a good positive sign if improving in recruiting. Especially at this position. Nice.
  3. Put me in coach! ..... clapclapclap.... I'm ready to play... today...
  4. Pffft! Yeah, of course. But did you see the backside reverse counter with the flipsy on the end? A thing of beauty. I'm kind of bummed that more people don't know the really complex parts of the game like you and I.
  5. You're forgiven, but not really.
  6. Where's that video of the Ohio players going apesh1t over the new uniforms? Yeah, that. It's fine, I just wish we could have the NT alumni logo somewhere on the unis. Maybe we will get that with baseball. Remember baseball?
  7. This is too bizarre. I don't know how to even react to this.
  8. That's because we're humans and we can change our minds. Shocking. Stuff written down on paper can be changed. EVEN STUFF TYPED INTO COMPUTERS CAN CHANGE!??!?
  9. Pretty sure that was Darrell Dickey, quoting Bill Parcells.
  10. I honestly didn't see much earth shattering news in the proposal. Maybe I'm missing something? CUSA has already voted to increase scholarships to "full cost" levels, etc.
  11. I think Mr. Vito made a big upgrade to AV equipment! Video looks and sounds great!
  12. Unfortunately the score was 3-5 so we still have some work to do.
  13. Would that be 1 shoe Jamario or the 2 shoe version? Just asking because you are short on space.
  14. None of us would be Grown Ass Men without the early days of the WWF.
  15. They should have an alumni season ticket holder and mean green club orientation that is mandatory for all alumni on the books, all 550,000 of them in the DFW area. It should be mandatory like jury duty. I would also accept "similar to the timeshare pitches where you have to be there to get your "prize". If you fail to show up to the mandatory orientation, season ticket push presentation, we will contract out Dog the Bounty hunter's company to track you down and "gently encourage" the individuals to show up to the presentation. If they refuse, he will be authorized to use pepper spray. Alumni attendance problem solved.
  16. Yeah, that's the key I think, probably most important thing to "take the next step" right now. *sigh* If only we had an opponent on our schedule this year that is from a power conference, a team most of the country has heard of that that is having a down year. It would be even better if that team was in a transitionary period, with a new coach and staff. We could only hope that that team would have dismissed some key players from that team, seemingly in disarray. We can only hope.
  17. This really isn't a big deal. Get it? It's like, really really small.
  18. fine. beat SMU.
  19. People are just procrastinators. I'm not putting any opinion on this until we get the final numbers at the beginning of the season.
  20. Wow, electrical engineering. We just added that degree within the last 10 years I believe so this may not have happened without it. He may be the only EE major in D1 football period right now.
  21. Damnit! You beat me to this post. I will have to up my game. 25% increase for me.
  22. OH! Ok I get it now, I skipped past the part where you said cost.. for NT merchandise. I didn't realize that the licensed cost is different for each school. I guess that makes sense then. So whom is setting the cost so high?
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