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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. “I don’t really see the need for building more seating capacity,” Smatresk said. “Winning teams will bring in the people.” yup. So what are you going to do about that?
  2. This analogy only makes sense if we were driving a V12.
  3. *sigh* This is a gut punch. Today should be made into a National holiday. Jub Jub day.
  4. This is correct. Win consistently (and show some heart) and the fans will show.
  5. Sure, if you believe that then why even worry about how many wins the program gets in each sport? I'm all about helping student athletes but ya - there needs to be accountability to the highest levels of the AD office and above. Would you hold the dean of the College of business accountable if they had a 1% graduation rate? Would you hold the Pres. of UNT accountable if he doesn't even come close to his stated goals? You could choose to say, yeah but - we're educating citizens! We have graduated x number of great citizens! Every single person out there has goals that are written down somewhere. Simple question for you - what is your requirement for RV to keep his job? Basic job requirements beneath which, this person will be fired. Please be specific in all phases. Or not, and we can continue to ignore the situation publicly. I can guarantee you, there are base requirements for most to meet in order to keep their jobs.
  6. *sigh* Why do I get the sense that this is just emboldening administrations and BOR's to cut programs across the nation.
  7. Whoa. I don't think anyone is hatin on the richie riches of the NT affiliated world, which I guess you are to some extent. The fact that you are donating serious hard earned money (notice I didn't say stolen or "off the backs of the people"?) is to be commended. What we are complaining about is the lack of accountability or real communication coming from the highest levels of the NT administration. I think you knew this, I'm just guessing you are venting at those who "just show up" and are ticked at the fact that us "show-uppers" aren't pulling our fair load of the problem? I think that is actually misguided, but I am really curious at what your real perspective is on this because I think that honestly, the more we kick each other in the teeth (UNT fans of all shapes and sizes I mean) the more we just reduce our overall fan base. I have no problem with NT90 incessantly ranting about this because I know of no other way for us little guys to get the attention of the AD office, assuming that they have eyes on this site. Do you have a better suggestion of how to deal with this? I'm all ears. Should we picket the front offices? Wear paper bags on our heads at all events (my vote)?
  8. Well, one could make the argument that Las Vegas does need better husbands and fathers.
  9. You know that expression - my appliance is "On the Fritz?" Yeah that was Hans Fritz. Know for a fact that he's in there.
  10. This loss is on subpar defensive recruitment from a so-called defensive line guru.
  11. UNT90 is 100% correct and in the right now on this issue. We should all be enraged. It is time for RV to go. I have been mostly quiet on this (RV is still a saint to me over when I look back in history at the big picture) but it is time for a new AD to take us in a new, better direction with this overall program. Our program has stagnated apart from the performance on the field. The two can and should be separated and we should demand more and accept no less now. I am sick of the apathy being shown towards the situation, the lack of communication and the lack of WANT to make things better from the AD office's perspective. Yes, I understand our olympic sports are all doing well, kudos on that. Don't care. That isn't enough and RV knows it, the BOR knows it, the president of NT knows it (if we hooked him up to a lie detector test). The question now is how much lack of progress are we ALL willing to accept. At this point it is staring everyone in the face.
  12. Going unless heavy lightning is involved.
  13. Interesting that they are announcing the NORTH/TEXAS chant on the jumbotron now.
  14. Ok maybe but remember this: Both of these two are some of the most dedicated fans out there demanding absolute excellence from all areas of Athletic and Academic endeavor. If even 30% of our disenfranchised fan base over the last 20 years even had 1% of their passion for NT sports we would be selling out every home game with plans to expand to 50K seats at apogee. So yeah, let's keep that in mind. I may not agree with some of what they say but I give major respect for their fan-ness.
  15. I'm confused. Is this a Ditka team with a belly full of delicious smoked bratwurst? Because I think that changes my prediction if true.
  16. Don't disagree with you. What' I'll be curious to see will be how will the Iowa State's of the world compete in this? Will we see a group of 5-10 teams sharing the NChamp. tropy forever? Oh wait, we have that now. Nevermind.
  17. To me this sends a red flag that he isn't liking something else about his situation, really unrelated to recruiting. Is it fan support? Methinks it is. I think he had a different opinion on how fast the fans would turn around after one season and he isn't seeing it and he's losing his motivation. Maybe he's feeling his age too? Anyway I agree with you that this is a red flag because it smacks of an attitude turnaround for the worse at the top. That attitude cascades down from the top, in every organization on the planet. Tomorrow will be very interesting to see if things improve.
  18. The jumbotron at fouts does work. Unfortunately it uses so much electricity that it causes the fans to reverse their spin direction, sucking fans out apogee and into their blades. Since this would be a horrible tragedy I guess maybe we should scrap that plan.
  19. 119K. Fans will be routed to Fouts to watch on the jumbotron.
  20. Wow. Well that's what I would expect him to say. Now go fix it.
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