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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Like what? a strobe effect or something? Yeah, that could work - would could play "enter sandman" by metallica and strobe the whole place. That would rock. LOL! GMG!
  2. I thought they already made changes with adding the new "NORTH TEXAS" circle star logo in the middle and the words MEAN GREEN on the goal ends. So I have no Idea why they would change again. GMG!!
  3. By the way, I did notice a couple hundred students on the student side doing the NORTH... TEXAS... cheer. That was great, it's too bad it died out. It is so simple but so easy to do and easy to hear. I say keep that going. And almuni side - you can join it too, ya know. GMG!
  4. I agree with SteaminWillie. They should add a component to the competition that is something like: "The abliltiy to get people in the stands of home games to follow your cheers." If that was in the competition, they would recieve and F. Now how much of that can they control? Enough that if they keep the cheers simple and consistent, I believe they would have success. But.. just like I blame DD for the losses, I blame the cheerleaders for the lack of cheer. If the gameplan of doing traditional high school type cheers doesn't work, you got to change your gameplan. And since they are doing nothing of the sort, I give them an F. GMG!
  5. Yes, it does look like it was built with frontpage, BUT, it IS better than what was there before. I agree it could stand to be redone again, however my complaint is that the stories are completely boring and almost never updated, and pitcures are almost always not pertaining to the game just played. That is unacceptable. Can't we get RV out there with a digital camera or something??? . GMG!
  6. Forget the flags... What about green glowsticks??? GMG!http://www.extremeglow.com/
  7. I think you hit the nail on the head right there UNT96. Up until last year, I think even I would have a hard time opening up the passing game. Dropped balls were the norm. But we KNOW we can at least have an average passing game and up untill now it has been non-existant. And don't look for the Alabama game to be different. I think the first real test for this should be TCU. GMG! PASS THE BALL!!!
  8. What I am really curious about is what "Chief" thinks about the growing trade deficit.
  9. Last I saw, UH was like 33K and TT was around 34K, don't quote me. I don't think this moves us up in the rankings any, but I could be wrong there. Wait until offical numbers are released. GMG!
  10. Well, did he play for the mean green?
  11. Haven't read through it all yet. Link GMG!
  12. That's why we're the Mean Green !!! Go Mean Green Softball!!!
  13. Hmm. He never replied to my emails, I guess I'm just chopped liver or something.. Anyway, let me know if they do ever get back with you as I really wouldn't mind donating some time to help as well. Don't worry, I gots the skillz GMG!
  14. As far as RV losing his enthusiasm, I suspect to some extent that may be true, but in the context of what he has done thus far, I'm willing to reserve judgement a little here. I think that the GMG fiasco whereby he said he wouldn't post anymore kind of left a bad taste in his mouth as for sharing info. HOWEVER, there is just no excuse for the website not be updated and current information dissemenated to the fans. ESPECIALLY when people have volunteered to give their time Free of charge. I sent him an email now probably over a month ago and haven't heard back. That's only a good sign if he is doing something really important that is taking up all of his time. Maybe he is - I don't know, all I know is that we would like to know the status on things like this, especially when we haven't heard anything much in a long time. GMG!
  15. What is going on at the Mean Green web headquarters? *crickets chirping* Seriously, what is up with MTSU - goblueraiders.com??? Every single day they have an in-depth writeup, pitcures and comments from the coaches from practice. As much as I appreciate the eagle eye (oops.. mean green report) , our Athletic dept. needs to be doing this as well. It basically shows people that they could care less about showing the fans and those interested what is going on behind the scenes and in practice in Mean Green country. GMG!
  16. WOW! Thanks for that detailed info UNTX. You seem to have some pretty good sources. I never realized that there was some much history and goings on to this issue. If Texas A&M tried to absorb that, there would be serious outrage and I don't think that will happen. GMG!
  17. Boy, we've gone down this path many times. A merger makes sense but the TWU alums and administration want nothing to do with it. You are correct, though, there is no reason for a TWU in denton. IT'S FREAKING CO-ED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Sorry, but this situation is ridiculous. It's almost like at some point, it will have change its name and then what???? Will they compete with UNT??? Give me a break - merge the two and then Denton residents would have no excuse not to support the ONLY university in denton. GMG!
  18. He dosen't leave without a huge payout from the "stealing" school. It's in his contract from what I've heard. GMG!
  19. That is a quote from the article with the new Scrappy. WHERE IS THE NEW MERCHANDISE!!!!!??? GMG!
  20. Dude, that absolutely ROCKS!!!!!!!!! GMG!
  21. I'm more concerned about Denton, TX than I am about UNT. I can't understand why there aren't any more signs around town during game week. THat is simply unacceptable. You have to get the word out that we are a program on the rise by paying for billboards and just getting the town to put up schedules, etc.. on all the businesses. GMG@
  22. That's fine at UT, but at North Texas we just want people to show up with the least amount of hassle and effort. If you stop 1 person from coming to the games because he has to go through the hassle of picking up a ticket (which is basically meaningless because you get in free anyway) then that is a bad plan. Don't try to teach students a "lesson" about the value of a ticket, I personally could care less about that as long as they show up! GMG!
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