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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Not really sure what your point is here. Are you saying we'd have people showing up in droves if we installed RV hookups? Also, if this is a bash on Rick I'd just say this: Prior to Rick = No tailgating. During Rick = mucho tailgating..
  2. good point. Forgot about tailgating.
  3. Seriously, you should take some pictures of some of that and post it on here- I'd be interested to see some of it on display.
  4. Going after alumni is too little too late. You have to start earlier than that. If they leave here without ever going to a NT football game, I'd say 9 times out of 10 you're too late. Recruiting alumni is like going after the Junior College recruits, going after the students is like making a committment to go after the high school recruits, if I've confused myself enough..
  5. True, but I guess I'm just talking in relative terms. There are more alumni out there than students. Maybe "not hurting" was a bad choice of words.
  6. Here's the problem I see with your arguments. 1.) The 100,000 estimate is wildly overblown and overused. How many of that 100,000 do we actually have contact information for? Is that number really accurate? How many have we already contacted and have basically said forget it? 2.) The students are a captive and in most cases indifferent audience. They haven't been hardened by attitudes of "this school sucks, etc.. etc.." and they can be reached with marketing, promotions directly on campus. The market is right in front of you and in most cases the promotions would be much cheaper and eaiser to implement. Now - with that said - has enough been done to market to the students, probably not. But that being said - I'm of the opinion that money would be MUCH better spent to get another 5,000 students to get involved (and probably at some later point become season ticket holders) than to dump $500,000 for a billboard on I35 that mostly reaches OU, UT and A&M fans...
  7. Disagree. The best way to increase attendance IMO is through the students. Alumni side is not hurting for fans currently.
  8. Where's waldo? I should add that this is a freshman orientation. Picture is from the online North Texan.
  9. That would easily be a top 25 team...
  10. I was at the Baylor game. Had Jamario stayed healthy, I say NT wins that game by at least 14 points.
  11. Ticket stub from 1999 NT vs. Texas Tech game.
  12. I think ours is around 12M.
  13. I was just going to comment on that as well. Hilarious. He's cruising with some flip flops as well.
  14. Buy Buy or sell, Average attendance for 2005 seasonwill meet or exceed 19,000?
  15. I laughed out loud when I read that part..
  16. Those troy foam swords are sweet! What was the attendance at that game?
  17. They're claiming the team is the better than the national champs team. WONDERFUL. I guess that's kind of how the Christians felt going out against, uhh you know the lions?
  18. Baylor Gold It's on the left side. Small section.
  19. Fort Worth, TX - about a 30 minute drive. Load all 5 of us in the Minivan.
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