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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/college-sports/texas-longhorns/20150915-texas-ad-steve-patterson-fired-after-two-years-with-longhorns.ece A "PATTERSON MUST GO" banner flew over Royal-Memorial Stadium. interesting... I'm not saying, just saying. I think we may have a slightly used banner we could reuse here.
  2. I'm not sure we've moved past our persistent undiagnosed diabetes issues with our squad.
  3. winning! - Charlie Sheen
  4. This is such a brilliant business move. For the life of me I don't understand why more Denton businesses haven't gone full Mean Green support crazy. This town has a ton of pent up demand for it in my opinion.
  5. So you're basically saying that RV is the George Costanza of CUSA ADs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnfbhdELQLA
  6. The solution to fixing the annual bodybag game is comically simple. We just have to fill up Apogee for every home game. With our people. We have the ability to do this within our own control. That is what is so tragic. If 40,000 UNT alums and students for some miraculous reason decided to show up on home game day we would not have this problem. Period. Look I get it. It isn't as easy as I make it out to be. I've been here long enough and I realize our issues with winning, apathy, etc. Here's the thing though - WE HAVE THE NUMBERS! That is what is so frustrating. I don't belive the 250K alumns figure quoted in the DFW area by the way. I'd say you slash that number down to 50,000 "somewhat interested" fans and that is what you are looking to target. But... HOD bowl. What was that??? Where the F are those people? Sometimes I just don't get it. How can we have close to 40K people show up for this game and then.. Disappear?
  7. If I received 6 months of pay upfront, I'm afraid my family would be living under some shade trees in a rather nice set of REI tents. It's not that we aren't responsible with money but, wow that would be a challenge for anyone.
  8. When I re-purchased my allotment of season tickets this year, I was asked to donate some amount of money (I gave $50) to purchase tickets for I beleive military personnel for a game this season. Anyone else asked to donate to this cause? I understood there would be one home game this year where those tickets will be given out and these individuals recognized at the game.
  9. Oh! I see. You mistakenly assumed the eagle would not voluntarily land in there and make it's own nest?
  10. What is the building just above the walkway supposed to be? (Where there is currently a parking lot).
  11. It's not really secret, I'm really just holding back until I know for sure he's going to be walking on. He's enrolled and wants to walk on, I am just waiting until we get closer to workouts before giving more info.
  12. It's not really secret, I'm really just holding back until I know for sure he's going to be walking on. He's enrolled and wants to walk on, I am just waiting until we get closer to workouts before giving more info.
  13. School was in the playoffs, early exit. No offers but wasn't seeking them out really. Had decent tackle, fumble recovery numbers.
  14. So let's say I happen to know an individual who will be a walk-on LB this year. I am curious without really know anything other than a few "measurable" things what his chances of making the team would be and what he would need to do to make the team as a walk-on. Here's what I know: Size - 6'2" 250lbs. Know this for a fact. Pretty lean with huge arms, etc. Squats a ridiculous amount but don't remember the number. Toughness - tough as heck. Will flatten people and impervious to pain. fact. Experience - varsity LB starter at least 2 years at a 5A texas school. Speed - um, kind of fast? sorry that's all I know there. Not blazing fast (this might be the main issue), run stopper type of athlete. Versatility - has played both offense and defense, including tight end and caught some passes but not (as far as I know) his main talent. So - what should his expectations be in competition? I am just curious people's thoughts.
  15. Stan R


    Mobile version is much improved! My insecurities can run free now! Thanks Harry!
  16. Worst gut punch personally in sports history. Although. The Rangers 2 out collapse in the series is a close contender. Involuntary dry heaving.
  17. My toes are devastated.
  18. Pfft! I still say we'll never raise the 4 million in seed money to replace fouts.
  19. Impressive. My kids would go bonkers if they saw this! My kids are a part of the minecraft generation.
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