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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I can't tell you how many people I personally know who have been blinded by flying corn-based products.
  2. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this question.
  3. My understanding was that they did a cost analysis on doing just this and it would cost almost as much to move the sides in closer to the field as it would to build a new stadium. Think of how hard it would be to move the alumni side. It would be an amazing engineering feat, if it could be done at all.
  4. LMAO!!!! that was bad, bad, but funny, funny.
  5. There is a simple solution to this, and it is mathematical: Take # of fans who would not come to the games if tortillas are kept and compare against # of fans who would not come to games if tortillas are banned. Whichever decision removes the least amount of fans in attendance should be the one made.
  6. Hmm. Craig James providing analysis, that will be interesting (former SMU guy)
  7. Question - is a BCS team (top tier) losing to a non-bcs team the equivalent of a 1A team losing to a 1AA team?
  9. Might be the most classless fans in all of college football. Can't say I'm really surprised. In defense, I'd guess most of those throwing bottles probably aren't LSU alums. If they are I'd be embarrased to call myself an alum.
  10. What's the policy at the other BCS schools? I'd be willing to bet it is similar.
  11. I saw one guy smuggling a huge bag or tortillas in on the student side. Somebody tossed this guy the bag after he got in without it. He then proceeded to stick it down his pant leg. HILARIOUS! Come to think of it, poor guy never got to use it. Unless he threw them during the safety.
  12. I thought he had some very good things to say about those of us on this board. He's a funny guy, I'll give him that. And he mentioned www.gomeangreen.com specifically! Free advertising Harry!
  13. and our famous "Hell freezes over passing game"
  14. HEY! Lay off Benny Hinn! He is the real deal. But seriously, I don't give a crap what peoples opinions are at this point if they're still showing up at the games. If you are at the game and screaming at DD fine. But if you are screaming and saying you're going to quit coming to games you're wasting all of our time. Carry on.
  15. I'll be there, but I'm seriously considering wearing a bag on my head...
  16. I was laughing quietly in my spacious ( ) cube here cerebus. Hilarious!
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