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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Cody He worked on a shrimpin boat? Interesting tidbit
  2. There's no question it COULD take us to the next level. I really don't see why we can get 17,000 on a tuesday for a football game and a home bb game on a saturday only pulls 3,000. I usually go to about 5 home games a year and I have a blast. what a great atmosphere and let me tell you what, you can make a huge impact to the atmoshpere if more of us would just show up. when we had what, 5,000 for the Indiana game a couple years back. That was electric. Again, we can create our own excitement and momentum for the program, regardless of the team's win/loss record. All we have to do is FREAKING SHOW UP! It proves to the BOR, AD, that the BB program MUST be recognized as important to the university. If nobody shows up, that ain't going to happen.
  3. You liked the piece of dump circle star? wow.
  4. Roll call, who has a NT plate and who doesn't. And if you don't have one, let us know your feeble excuse so we can insult you. I've got one on our minivan but not one on my personal car yet. My reason, well I'm just pure lazy not to have gone to get one for my car until the new version came out.
  5. He has brought fans in by blowing out Baylor at home and for the most part blowing out most of the teams we play at home in crucial must win games like NMSU, etc.. The "fans" don't seem to care who we blow out for the most part. Yes more come for name teams like Baylor and Tulsa, that is a given. Why are we getting blown by? I wouldn't say getting beat 13-10 is getting blown by, come on. Why are OOC teams blowing by us? I'd say there are many reasons for that. And again, I'm not DD's advocate, I've been disgusted by what I've seen on the field. But what I'm claiming is that the barometer for this team's success should be butts in seats, not necessarily wins.
  6. The best coach for this team is the one that brings in more money to the program and more fans in the stadium. At this point, DD is that person. We have had higher attendance in the last 4 years than in the previous 5 by a large margin. If that trend reverses then it will be time to look for a new coach. The key to this program really has nothing to do with wins (nice) but everything to do with money/Fan support (critical). Let's keep that in mind. If we can be like UTEP and get 27,000 fans in the stadium during a 2-9 season, then we have arrived as a true D1A program.
  7. What's that Randy Galloway says? "It's always about the quarterback".
  8. Absolutely right. DD could ease a lot of this negativity by thanking the fans and asking for support.
  9. I'm so furious I can't even formulate an insult.
  10. My story is nearly identical to yours, untgirl04. My dad is an agy and I chose NT over ANM as well. And now both my parents go to the NT games with me. They still wear maroon to the games though at times. Oh well. At least they are there, eh?
  11. ..sigh... yes, I'll grudgingly admit that you are right, emmit about the wins, conference success etc.. But can you honestly tell me that DD shouldn't open the playbook up to some more mid-range 5-15 yard passes? That's all I'm asking for is to give us some more options to keep drives going that don't involve home run 40 yard passes exclusively.
  12. E X A C T L Y!!!! I don't know why you think you can step up to the plate to hit home runs without first being able to get base hits? I don't think that's a bad analogy either.
  13. Honestly, I was able to stomach the loss last night when I looked up and saw 17,600 other mean green fans sitting around me on an Tuesday night. The fact that there were that many people there after watching us get it handed to us by TU was astounding. That is not typical NT fan support and I for one was very impressed. I just hope that trend continues, as I believe it will. Also, special kudos to the students. I was VERY impressed, probably 90% of them were wearing the new green color and were into most of the game. Stick with it guys!
  14. I strongly agree with this. The everyone go long thing is NOT working and a change will have to be made, IMO.
  15. Maybe the correct question is when is the AD going to hold the coaching staff accountable for this?
  16. Just one small annex to the AC and we're done!
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