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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Well, I'm definately tempted to sign up. I'm probably going to give it a shot. At least for curiosity's sake.
  2. We've seen this work before, haven't we? Going to vote from my home PC next...
  3. Lets not pile on Meager. He hasn't been given ANY chance to develop. Short passes are what he needed (needs) to develop and instead he's being asked to pull a doug floutie every time it is 3rd and long.
  4. Do you have some inside knowledge? Has Meager been given a Joe Montana DNA transplant?
  5. Have to disagree. I have seen several runs by JT that indicate otherwise.
  6. And nobody caught the game plan sheet in the front of the pants??? BRILLIANT !!
  7. If he would do it for the money, hell yes you go after him. However, that is highly unlikely.
  8. EIGHT TURNOVERS? AND WE ONLY SCORED 13 !@#$ing points !?!? I'm dumbfounded.
  9. Let's not go there untgirl04. I think you may be overreacting a bit. Next year JT has all running plays to himself. Don't think he will be going anywhere.
  10. Yes, I suppose that would also be good. Of course, since the only way this happens is if I win the lottery, the point is moot. Maybe I should pick the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ("lost" inside joke)
  11. Hmmm. I had to think about that for a minute... Not a bad idea, but I don't agree with it I guess.
  12. Ah, yes, the non-BCS NFL league. good to hear.
  13. I wonder what squirrel meat tastes like?
  14. I agree with Lifer that there is NO QUESTION that part of DD's responsibility is to promote to the media this program that pays his checks any chance he gets. AT THE LEAST he should not EVER, NEVER EVER bad mouth it. There is NOT ONE CIRCUMSTANCE in which this is justified. I for one am sick and tired of it and there are no more excuses for that behavior, RV needs to take care of the issue now!
  15. They had a 5 minute report on the albino squirrel at north texas on Ch. 5 last night about our friend the albino squirrel. Said they were selling albino squirrel pens in the union and they were selling like crazy. At least they said we were the mean green. Interviewed several on campus as well. The news crews said they were shocked they even found him and were able to get footage. Supposedly some students on campus say that seeing the squirrel before a test is good luck.
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