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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. LINK What is interesting about this is two things: 1.) Some big time names on this list. 2.) There are meeting notes from September 05 in PDF. They are password protected. eh? anything to this? Steve Goodman (Goodman homes?) Dan Smith (Regent and CEO, owner of CDS Capital )
  2. So Arkstfan, since you have a bit of a pulse of the league and Waters, any word lately on what the future direction of the sun belt will be as to adding any new members?
  3. Well, good then! Maybe we should thank Weatherbie for shaking things up a bit. Some of us are too damn nice to each other across sun belt schools. At least now maybe some of us will have some reason to enjoy a win over another team. Is Weatherbie the Buddy Ryan of the Sun Belt? If so, more power to him!
  4. good to hear. Maybe we've squashed parrot eagle for good...
  5. Well, I believe this. If it is possible then RV will be the man to do it.
  6. And I'd like a shiny new Ferrari in my driveway, please.
  7. So we can pay in person at the booth on Saturday?
  8. Maybe but I don't think anyone makes the jump from Sun Belt directly into the BIG 12. I'd be seriously shocked if that were to be the case.
  9. My favorite Dwight comment now... "I'm sorry, were you guys making out in here?"
  10. Catman, I think I (we) agree with much of what you're saying with regards to success relative to where we are "at" in the Sun Belt, starting back into 1A, etc... DD's wins are great in conference, yadda yadda. .... BUT!! I will not accept DD's whining about lack of support or "I have it harder than anyone in the world" or "Our fans keep giving up". Why can't you accept the success he's had but criticize the bad attitude? Why are you so willing to sweep that under the carpet when our (my opinion) greatest challenge is fan support???
  11. I think Jackson is better than Muzzy. Much better. Just my opinion.
  12. Do they throw tortillas in buffalo? Maybe just bratwurst?
  13. Joey Florence.. Ain't gonna happen.
  14. Whoops! I'm confusing Ohio and ohio state...
  15. hmm. I'd say most likely candidates - 1 Gary Patterson 2 Pat Hill 3 Frank Solich (too expensive?) 4 Mike Price (too contriversial?) Look out TCU...
  16. No way, dude, I'm not opening a Shiner factory. That was kind of a joke, I'd expect at least oh, say, 12k?
  17. oops - not homecoming, last game of the year. Boy this will be sooo funny for all 9,232 people in attendance...
  18. November 26 vs. Arkansas State * Halftime Segway race between Scrappy and Chic-Fil-A mascot! * Student Tailgating! Come Early, Stay Late! Only thing that might be funnier would be a drunk scrappy and a drunk Chic-fil-a mascot...
  19. Yep, pretty much sums it up. I've never seen a more ineffective offense while Simon was head coach during his last couple years. Don't quote a couple fluke OOC wins and claim Simon was a genious because of them. He'd go 2-9 in those years as well.
  20. How can you say Matt Simon was better than DD? That's a little shocking, please provide some statistics to back that up.
  21. Please don't tell me you're planning to sue... As an unlicensed member of the bar association my unprofessional recommendation is that you leave this alone...
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