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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. And really, what the hell does "does not need to support" in reference to NT's renewed Athletic direction mean really? That he'll just blow off the AD and ignore him or something? Thats an asinine statement.
  2. I pulled this direct quote for the last paragraph of Jackson's comments: wow! I truly hope Jackson doesn't believe this himself.
  3. So then.... why would someone rank "Keep focus on active residential campus" as LAST IN IMPORTANCE?? Because they would rather keep the commuter tag around?
  4. Well, we'll have to disagree. Of course though, you'll realize that I'm right and you're incredibly wrong.
  5. Well, so now Mr Jackson is giving us his "executive summary" of the results of the survey. I've got to say I'm shocked and very disappointed. These heavliy skewed towards the following: 1.) Forget the progress we've made with dropping our commuter image. 2.) Pay our professors more. (hmm.. wonder who voted for this? ) and 3.) Ignore the recent progress in athletics, our president doesn't need concern his/herself with these petty issues. Interesting that it is the LEAST important issue to faculty and it ISN'T EVEN IN THE TOP 5 FOR STUDENTS!?!?! See for yourself and let me know if you're reading this the same way I am... LINK
  6. Yeah will what the hell is ATM? Come on.. We all know the interlocking NT is the best logo to ever be created for the University of North Texas. And Pohl seems to be in agreement.. good.
  7. TT's offense is the cure for - guess what - our most important disease -attendance.
  8. What the hell are you talking about? Student side was more than 75% full. More like 90%, I'm inlucing ULM folks as well. At one point the Alumni side was probably 90% full. If someone was sitting their ass in a seat at one point they were at the game, regardless of whether or not they left in the forth quarter.
  9. SUUUUURE... This is all fun and games until someone needs a tortillaectomy.
  10. People that are claiming 15K is actual buts in seats are crazy. I'd estimate actual buts in sets at around 18,000.
  11. I'm considering it. Probability of being able to come with 1 kid - 50-50.
  12. huh? Quick question - you don't happen do work for al-Qaida do you?
  13. Well if that's the case then so be it. Must be my powers of mind control? That and the fact that DD obviously reads this board.
  14. HEY! I didn't authorize them to take this picture of me and my protective helmet!
  15. Hmm. Obviously a conspiracy then Lifer. <spooky voice> What could be in the mysterious meeting notes? </spooky voice>
  16. WHAT! You mean something posted on a bulletin board ISN'T FACT? I'm appalled.
  17. Well, I can't argue with the fact that the government is using satellites for brain control, but.... Maybe you missed this: That worries me more than getting let out early, if this is true. And considering the source I'm inclined to believe it.
  18. Don't agree. It IS a HUGE stepping stone. He's not coming into the Sun Belt where it is next to impossible to have a winning season without everyone saying "well it is just the sun belt". He's coming in with plenty of funding, a decent league to compete and win against and AWESOME facilities including a new stadium. A perfect spring board in the same way that TCU was for Franchione.
  19. Ok, put us down for two tickets then! Stan R & Amity R
  20. Do not question "Deep Throat Moot". Given the comments and behavior that DD shows every time we see him, well... where there's smoke...
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