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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Was it Colon Blow™ or SuperColon Blow™? I think it was SuperColon blow. I think it takes around 10,000 bowls of your standard cereal to equal one bowl of SuperColon Blow™.
  2. somebody seriously needs to buy these... Then we could chip in for the conversion to DVD... There are services out there that will do that sort of thing.
  3. I should be able to make it. Was a lot of fun last year.
  4. uh. ok. that's interesting. So are we selling office space in that tower or what?
  5. and only after 3 heart attacks...
  6. Hey, nothing is wrong with a little "you scratch my back I give you a million dollars" is there?
  7. Thanks for the info, silver, great report. Do I detect some optimism in your evaluation here? Coming from you I'd say that is a very good sign. On Henderson, we all said the same thing last year but he hardly ever played, right? I hope that changes this year. He's a force to be reckoned with in short yardage, that's for sure.
  8. ah. but then you have all those issues with the hurricanes.
  9. ding ding ding!! I've summarized the only three important parts of this post.
  10. I smell a mandatory student atheltic fee increase...
  11. Ah yes.. That's when you pull the ole" switcheroo... Just kidding.
  12. No I don't think so. Not at all. Our logo is quite a bit different.
  13. "So what are our chances, like one in 100? " "No... like one in a million" ".....so.... You're sayin there's a chance!!!"
  14. Not to be a party pooper, but I see potentially a bad omen here. If this means we have started diverting resources to baseball what does that say about our new stadium prospects? In a way I see this as an "oh well, the stadium thing is too pie in the sky for now so I'll show progress by propping up a new baseball facility." I don't know if I like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm exited at the news, but lets not forget priority #1. A new Football stadium, right?
  15. Yeah, but a nasty side effect is a really, really high pitched voice.
  16. Bingo!! I was about to type that exact same thing!
  17. I think you're onto something deep. In fact I can remeber back when I was trying to bulk up to play baseball... umm. well anyway my ma told me "Why do you need to drink those protein shakes?? I know how to put on weight. I'll give 10 ice cream shakes and see if you don't gain weight".
  18. Stupid question but has Charley played any yet? Did he play at all in 2005? Just Curious.
  19. It's kind of like a hail mary. I hope he's using the free tutoring that usually is provided at community colleges. I once took 17 hours as a freshman and I almost went insane. Good look to him.
  20. Well looks like it won't be ready.
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