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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Yes I think the only thing I'll really miss will be the tomato. From what I gather it could still rent space in the new complex, correct? If that is the case I'd suggest they do it, I think even with a higher rent they could continue to make money. Just an opinion though.
  2. Let me take a guess: barnes and noble starbucks fridays kinkos sound about right?
  3. It isn't a secret.. There is a fund, you can easliy donate money to it. The question is how much is in it and will we make the 2009 date. I don't have a crystal ball but I'm afraid the news isn't good.
  4. Anyone notice the article in the Morning News about what cars the state congressmen and women drive? Interesting - Kay Bailey drives an escalade, another drove a cadillac STS. Most had large SUVs or expensive import luxury cars. Mr Burgess? A toyota prius. I guess we now see who is really on board with "green". How is this related to Football? Dr. Burgess is an alum and Mean Green fan. Funny story about Him - I met him once and he was wearing a calculator watch (really, who wears those anymore?) and a suit and tie. I guess he's not concerned about throwing away extra money on useless status symbols. Kudos for him.
  5. I don't care why it was blocked, I know it probably doesn't have anything vulgar. I'm just pre-judging it without reading it. You know, jumping to conclusions.
  6. Congratulations! Now run, don't walk, to barnes and noble to buy the book titled The Millionaire Next Door. Make that your financial philosophy and you will be a wise man.. Hell, you may even become the next RV - or Stebo.
  7. Well, since it is blocked by the firewall.... Let me guess. There is some drivel about "keep denton wierd" or... "Please don't bulldoze the head shops" or some such. Please spare me. Put me solidly in the "Keep Denton growing" camp.
  8. I don't know why we are all worried. 2009 is the date. RV said so so it will happen. Why do you doubt him? Ahhh if you had but a mustard seed..
  9. Those apartments are going to be PRIME property being so close to campus... Wow I would have gone for that in a heartbeat. You are like 3 minutes from the buisness building.
  10. I'd also add - if this is anything like the southlake town square (it sounds like it with shops and apartments on top) then I believe it would be a major success.
  11. Hmmm... wow very interesting topic. I'd say I have mixed feelings on this one. On one hand I'd say that a "yuppie" type setting might bring out more traditional students to those types of hangouts. I don't believe that the people that hang out on Fry street generaly are hard-core mean greeners in any way shape or fashion. Denton is not Austin, the whole "Keep Austin wierd" campaign would not work with Denton. I think the mystique of Fry street is a bit overblown simply because I don't see the thousands of people walking around and visiting all those small shops and bars, etc.. like you would see in Austin. And I don't think that is just because Austin is bigger either. On the other hand I do like the old buildings and it might be a little sad to see them go because many of them do have a lot of character and charm. You might also lose a good portion of the liberal-arts folks at the university who would consider the area to have been "sold out" to profits and devoid of all interesting unique college atmoshpere. However if I had to vote, I would vote for corporate interests because I believe that the people that it would attract would be a more pro-athletics crowd overall. I don't think it would harm the area in fact I think it is a brilliant re-vitalization idea that will bring significantly more traffic and people into the area. Just my opinion though.
  12. NCAA nonsense. Hey! Guys, follow the rules. Be sure to put in you contract so you'll be reminded. Duh.
  13. I think Quoney wins the newcomer of the year award.. or is is most irritating? Either way smashing good job 'ole boy!
  14. Please realize Quoner, as I'm sure you do.. That we all know that we will probably lose 65-3 or some such. We all know that aboslutely nothing we try will work. But it is still fun to come up with some wacky and wild schemes that will "work". Just in the same way that people love to discuss get rich quick schemes. We all know we can't get rich quick but damn is it fun to think about it.
  15. Did you provide the required handshake? Don't worry, I already sacrificed the requisite goat in your honor.
  16. This is a VERY fun night and usually several thousand Mean Green fans show up. I'd encourage everyone to come on out. I know my family will be going.
  17. Damn. Come on JMO! U CAN DO IT IN 2006!! THIS IS YOUR YEAR!
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