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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Gray, Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Steele's list is bogus, just confusing without a point of reference. Like some one else said - is patton 453 out of 2000? or 453 out of 1000? And yes, I agree some of us can be hypocritical when it comes to rankings, state/ DMN 100 lists, etc.. I for one believe in the rankings and yes I think our recruiting has tanked big time in the last 2 years. Bottom line, these lists do mean something. State 100's are statistically going to give you a better team compared to non top 100's. Yes there will be flops but I'll take my chances with someone on a list the majority of the time. That is why it is so important. It is a numbers game. And, other recruits DO look at these lists to see which schools recruit what types of players. Period.
  2. That will get you a 3 million dollar stadium. I think that could work out if we were in arkansas. But it would be a double-wide.
  3. For a 40 Million dollar stadium it would take only 160 thousand $250 contributions.
  4. This is a great idea and could be done for the new stadium. NMSU I think had a similar deal for their new field surface, or maybe it was athletic center, can't remember. Why wouldn't RV go this route? Still waiting for a big donor to truly kick something like this off?
  5. Would be nice to have a percentile ranking or 199 of 600 something like that for reference. Otherwise these are meaningless.
  6. Whoa.. Looking at that list.. ULL and ULM spanking us in our own backyard? ouch.
  7. OH yeah? Well Dallas thinks that Austin is full of hippies and homeless people. So there.
  8. oops I meant a new Biology building.
  9. Wow, blocking 4 punts is impressive!
  10. Well, I'm giving her a clean slate. Let see how she does first before jumping to conclusions.
  11. It will be very dangerous to put a bad looking building in that area. That area (site of current wellness building, right?) will be right next to some classic buildings like Chilton hall. Would look horrendous in anything but classic university architecture. I hope they realize this, but I'm not holding out hope. But I'm still amazed by the continuing amount of construction now going on at UNT. Let's recap: ~20Million new Dorm - under construction (Honors) ~16Million new Dorm - under construction (Liberty?) ~25Million new health center - under construction ~50Million new Business building (construction to begin around 2007/08) .. New chemistry building.. Potentially in next couple years Am I missing anything? That is over 100 million in construction. Pretty amazing.
  12. oh wow. That is freaking funny. Thanks for the link!!!
  13. "This building will be unlike any other on campus," Escalante said. "It will be state-of- the-art." I don't think they said it will look different than the other buildings, just that it will be state of the art. Hopefully that doesn't mean it will look like a geodesic dome I'll reserve judgement until I actually see design plans.
  14. NT Daily Looks like by 2008 or so the new Business building will be completed if all goes as planned. Funding is available now. There's another article in today's daily that mentions the two new dorms have begun construction. That would be the Honors Dorm and (liberty?)
  15. Honestly I don't know what you mean by that comment. Care to elaborate? I don't know if I should take that as a positive athletics or negative athletics comment.
  16. Hmmm. Sounds like another team I follow. They wear green - maybe you've heard of them - the Mean Green?
  17. I can hear the vigorous golf-clapping coming from the Murchison Performing arts center all the way out here in Westlake.
  18. Well, since I've been out on vacation in San Diego for the last week I am invoking my right to amend my 2006 season prediction. For UT the score will now be 62-12. The prior prediction was 62-3. We will have 3 more field goals of over 70 yards. It will be a new NCAA record.
  19. ouch. From all indications this looks to be painfully true.
  20. I almost spit out my DP when reading that. Now you're talking!
  21. Great ideas.. Then again, I have some changes to the sport I used to love but am now bored to tears by: Baseball. 1.) Two strikes. That would be the first attempt to keep games to a short 2 hour period. 2.) 3 Balls. Shortens the games in the same way as #1. 3.) Pitch clock. Similar to the 24 second clock in basketball. Pitchers have 10 seconds between pitches. None of this waiting around for 30 seconds inbetween pitches. Throwing to a baserunner resets the clock. Maybe it is crazy, but I just can't sit through any more 4 hour games. I think those two changes could solve that problem. Of course it will never happen but something to consider. We could get some crazy angles, a camera on a wire to zoom in close up on diving catches and we'd call it the "XLB".
  22. I KNEW SMU was involved in this!!!
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