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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Well you are certainly enthusiastic about your general idea - not having a concept of what the "business" will be (or maybe you do - I don't know)- go create a business plan and let us know what you came up with. If it sounds like a solid plan then you might be surprised at those who would jump on board with either funding or their time and resources.
  2. I understand that some of the folks on this board are a probably in their early 20's just starting out, but here's an issue I have. We (we meaning UNT grads) need to stop worrying about who's going to hire us and start worrying about who are WE GOING TO HIRE. Yes, I know it is a bizzare, probably scary statement but the more entrepreneurs and self starters out there we have the better off we are going to be as a university. Why do you think that aggies seeem to have such a good network of connections? Is it because they are better students than us? Better educated? Hell no- that is ridiculous. The reason is because they look out for each other. They hire one another. Is there any reason UNT grads could not do that? No. But what we need to do is to break out of this mind game of inferiority complexes and to filp the table. Hire other UNT grads. Network. Start your own company. Save your pennies. Don't buy a BMW when you could invest it in a revenue generating asset. Yes there is some truth to who you know is more than what you know, but the only way to turn the tables on that is to start out on your own. UNT has a great Murphy Center for entrepreneurship. Use it. ASK NOT WHO WILL HIRE ME BUT WHO WILL I HIRE!!!!!! queue marching music.
  3. You know what that means - time for a daughter!!! queue Marvin Gaye...
  4. One portion of our increasing attendance strategy must be encouraging procreation by the existing customer base. It's called "organic growth" GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!!!
  5. Son Josh = 5 yrs old Twin son William = 3 yrs old Twin daughter Julia = 3 yrs old All love scrappy and can sing the fight song.
  6. Well, since the season doesn't start until Sept. 9th, in DD's mind they have plenty of time to revocer.
  7. Your ancestors were proctologists? hmmm.
  8. Great article, kind of puts things in perspective. Slow sustained growth in ticket sales and OOC wins are the keys. But keeping the fans happy is #1. That could mean tailgating, promotions, etc.
  9. I don't see the merchandise as much of a big issue anymore. They have made leaps and bounds of progress when compared to the old logos, gear. And as long as you're willing to drive up to denton you can get just about anything you want. I'm not worried about people not finding NT gear in wal mart or sams. Drive up to denton. We want then up there anyway, don't we?
  10. We should be in that 3rd tier. Period. That should be the new president's #1 goal. After supporting mean green athletics, of course.
  11. What Gray said. But I'd narrow down your list to A&M, Tech, Baylor. Maybe I'm getting a little greedy. But I don't want to play anyone in the top 10.
  12. Don't fail me now tivo whilst I'm here at work.
  13. Why do I have a mental picture of quincy carter???
  14. We've already determined that the strollers I used to bring in were weapons of mass destruction and could not be brought into the stadium.
  15. How long do I have to stay tuned? I've been staying tuned since 1995 and frankly I'm tired and I have to pee.
  16. It isn't spelling. Affect and effect are two different words. The difference between them is a bit tricky. Here's the usage explanation that dictionary.com provides: Usage Note: Affect and effect have no senses in common. As a verb affect is most commonly used in the sense of “to influence” (how smoking affects health). Effect means “to bring about or execute”: layoffs designed to effect savings. Thus the sentence These measures may affect savings could imply that the measures may reduce savings that have already been realized, whereas These measures may effect savings implies that the measures will cause new savings to come about.
  17. I feel sorry for this kid - he transferred away from UNT. What a sad way to ruin someone's life.
  18. Yeh but now you gonna git PAID dawg... gettin a J - O - B. Right?
  19. You can order directly from the athletics website - LINK
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