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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Dude if you get my hopes up even .001% only to be crushed. I won't be able to help you. It will be your job man.
  2. Wow I think this post sums up so much of my angst towards this athletic department and really, sums up my feelings toward some other departments at UNT as well. This may have been good enough back in the days of Fouts field or in the D1AA (reality - it is never ok) but it is sure as hell NOT ok now. I am so fed up with the gameday atmosphere laziness. As a season ticket holder (8 season tickets actually) It probably bothers me more than even the losses - ok it is a close second. I have heard people say things like "well this is how the state of Texas wants to keep UNT" or "The BOR has a mandate to provide cheap education to people in our region" blah blah blah. There is a difference, a HUGE difference between "cheap" and "value". To me, you don't compromise your principles just because something costs less. The more I've lived in the corporate world around all levels of management, the more I realize that leadership at the top is PARAMOUNT. If you don't show your A game all of the time, why should any of your employees? Students? Faculty? UNT90 gets it. NM Green gets it. Others like them demanding excellence GET IT. I do believe that our new President does get it but I am concerned. I'm withholding judgement for a few more months but if RV is still around after that, I have real issues with the entire leadership of our university, including at the state government levels. Show some principles UNT. You are beginning to get there but the Athl. Dept. needs a complete overhaul. But this works from the bottom up as well. The alumni of UNT can make a loud noise and demand that these changes do take place. We are doing it, and thank goodness for UNT90's and his crew for their relentless efforts to get real change to take place. I may not like your methods always, but you have the right idea man. Relentless pressure in the media of all types WILL make change. It is painful for us but that is because all real change is painful by nature.
  3. What do you have against gluten? I'm a bread fan myself.
  4. Can't argue with that. I literally threw my hands up in the air when I saw Greer coming in. It was a replay of all the best fails of each quarterback through the last 3 years. Unbelievable. Fire everyone.
  5. This forces a decision of some kind for the BOR. I have no idea what the outcome will be. Get ya popcorn ready.
  6. Here's the link, not much here though. Denton R to da C
  7. Ever, HOF? Honestly someone who had the stones to interview RV and then post it here, and somehow broke the McCarney firing first should be given a lifetime contract.
  8. So then who leaked the Riley interview then? No excuse IF that was a mistake or someone leaked that should not have. Could have in theory cost us a great candidate. All speculation of course. *shakes virtual fist in the air*
  9. There was once a street in Denton called "Scott Sid-way". I had to be renamed because nobody crossed Scott Sidway and lives.
  10. While I agree with you, there were legitimate concerns about each of the hires made (in particular T.Dodge and Mac) that turned out to be crucial factors in their failures. Granted, not everyone was screaming about them at the time, but I can tell you in both of the hires there were some queasy feelings many had about both once the discussion played out on the board. They went something like this: Dodge: - Uh oh, wait he's bringing his high school assistants. That's not a great idea. - But hey! It will work out, he's an offensive genius! He's just bringing in guys he's comfortable with. - Look at the recruits rolling in!! His defense will be better in year 2. Give his high school guys some time. They're learning "on the job". Mac: - Hmm well the recruiting classes are pretty good! What, no 3 star defensive lineman? Hmm well, that will improve. Oh these 2 star guys MUST be good. He was at Florida so he MUST know how to find diamonds in the rough out of these 2 star guys. NEXT year's defensive recruits are going to be SWELL! In the end there WERE signs that these were busts, and early. A competent AD will address these things which were red flags WITH HIS COACHES. Was that done? I have no idea but I'm starting to think that no, nothing was done or at least no actions taken that would address these issues. That is the recurring theme which we've seen far too often. Do ADs have no teeth when it comes to changing behavior of their coaches??? Is firing the only action that they can take? I just can't believe that is the case.
  11. I said mature (<55) coordinator. I think Mac was the right idea but there were serious negative signs that weren't addressed after the winning season involving recruiting. I also believe Texas recruiting ties is a non-negotiable requirement. These things should be addressed in the interview and in RESEARCH and following up with REFERENCES who can vouch for this person's requisite skills in all areas. I hope you're reading this Pres. Smatresk. You need input from all of us to assist in your selection process, not just me.
  12. How about those bicycle RICKshaws that move people to and from the games? You can advertise on those I think.
  13. Why does it feel to me like Apogee in the hands of this athletic department is like handing over the keys to a Ferrari to a pre-teen. Holy cow they would have fun with it but they really don't know what they are doing and more likely than not to crash the thing into a curb or strip all the gears. Game day just feels woefully mismanaged to me to the point of the folks running things just letting interns run things. Who's in charge? It really feels like pre-teens are running apogee and they are in way over their head. Why is that? We've had this facility for 5 years and I get the impression we've moved on to other things expecting that it "runs itself". Well I've got news it doesn't run itself and we need a competent game day crew running things. This isn't minor leagues any more, facilities wise, we've got to step things up.
  14. Or... Or... wait, I have ANOTHER innovate idea here. Banner... Billboard... IN OKLAHOMA!!?!? I know right?
  15. Wait. I have an innovative idea. What about a billboard with a picture of a plane flying a banner that says "Fire RV"?! Right? Awesome?
  17. If only there were a group of like minded individuals that were available on an internet bulletin board website dedicated to all things UNT sports and news. Some day rcade, some day our dream will become a reality.
  18. Seems like walking around campus and handing out flyers would be as effective. Not saying, well yeah I guess I am saying.
  19. Brah I'm reaaaaallllly hoping those are non-GMO shrubs.
  20. That's going to require approval from the UNT17tm
  21. Well I'll have to give you extra credit for the seagulls flying in formation and the skinny-dipping snorkelers. Nice touch.
  22. I think I'm going to need fully rendered 3D versions of each proposal before I make my final decision.
  23. I guess I mean what other type of facility, is CBL proposing a massive Chuck-e-cheese? Dave n busters? Mental Institution? I need to know what would be a better fit for being attached to Apogee than a convention center/hotel.
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