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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I think we should get royalties - bigrobdsp - you need to contact ASCAP and tell them someone stole your writing.
  2. Damn! I'm sorry I missed that.. Funny stuff.
  3. Really? I definitely have doubts. How many state or area top 100 atheletes have we signed lately?
  4. I think the MTSU fans were looking to see how good the new coach is.
  5. wow- did they actually mention GMG.com or did they just mention it was off an internet BBS?
  6. I think the fact that she even brought up athletics is somewhat encouraging.
  7. ASPS is to preserving the squirrel as "Brownie" is to Katrina
  8. It has to be JQuinn. I don't think any of the other candidates has played a football game against the BS National Champions with a bloodied stump of a hand, have they?
  9. Hasn't this guy graduated yet? It seems like he's a seventh year senior or something.
  10. wow. 430 pounds? That is freaking ridiculous. I don't know if all of our O-lineman can bench press that much. That is more than twice his body weight.
  11. Yep. It is in his nature. He can't not do it. Even when he tries his hardest comments like that slip out. I wonder - does he even realize what he is doing?
  12. Our friends at Ark. St. will be in attendance for moral support.
  13. He used Jack Daniels to sterilize the wound after the procedure. And no he didn't pour it into the wound, he drank it.
  14. Go with the green pants/white top. The all white looks like we are running out on the field with white surrender flags. Oh wait- on second thought - stick with the white/white for the UT game.
  15. It is quite obviously a "horns down" hand signal. Maybe it was placed there for a reason...
  16. On my couch in Fort Worth eating hot wings. Go Mean Green!
  17. TEXAS This game does mean something.
  18. YESSSS!!!!!!!! Are we sure it wasn't a bald eagle? The irony here is hilarious... Scrappy has had enough of playing second fiddle.
  19. Belichick is a Parcells disciple. Never over-praise. Never show your hand. With that in mind - I find his comments overflowing with positives.
  20. Yep, that is the old sig ep "lot" where the house was torn down. I used to live there. Piece of crap building that was roach infested. But lots of fond memories there.
  21. Don't y'all realize this is why God created the Tivo?
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